Help! My Tank Is Dieing

Dec 3, 2008
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Ok so i noticed that my rosy fin tetra's had some mouth fungus appearing on them. So I went to the store and purchased some Pimafix to treat the fungus. I removed my cabon filters and put in the recommended dose of medication. A few hours later one of my fish died, then I noticed that some were simming upside down and my whole tank seems on the verge of death. I was wondering what I could have done wrong and what i can do to fix this. I had done a small water change and put my carbon filters back on to take the medicine out. It seems that the medicine cause this?
For mouth fungus columnaris you need more than pimafix you need to use a bacterial med with it.
Did you add the correct dosage and increase aeration in the tank.
Yes I did, what other med should i have added? I was thinking also i know that when you add Ick remover you have to do half dosage when you have tetra and coryies and stuff maybe i should have half the dosage with the pimafix as well?
Not sure about pimafix some fish don't tolerate meds to well.
Do a water change to dilute the med down and increase aeration.
You will need to add myxazin as well by waterlife.
Bless Him R.I.P.
have you increased aeration in the tank.
I would dilute the med down fast with a water change.
Lets us know how they act after the water change.
They are starting to act a little better already, but another danio died, taking to toll to 3 thus far. I went to my LFS and i'm ganna bring a water sample to them so they can test it. This really sucks. Epic fail...
Well I got back, my water is good other than the ammonia is a little high but not enough to be this deadly. Another one of my tetra's is swimming upside down and having a hard time correction itself same with one of my corycats. The rest of the fish are just sitting there not moving at all. This isn't looking good. Hopefully I won't wake up tommorow fishless..
Even a small amount of ammonia can kill fish.
Carry on with water changes and just add the correct amount of med back to the water removed.
Increase aeration as fish find it hard to breath in bad water quality.
Bad water quality takes it's toll on fish as it burns there skin and gills, weakens there immune system, and thins there slime coat.
Ok so i think i figured out what happenend. Apparently the meds i put in yesterday killed my good bacteria and caused the amonia in my tank to spike which killed 8 of the 11 fish i had in there My surviving cory danio and gourami are starting to look a little better, i'm still doing water changes and such to get the water back to normal. Yesterday day was not a good day :(
Ok so i think i figured out what happenend. Apparently the meds i put in yesterday killed my good bacteria and caused the amonia in my tank to spike which killed 8 of the 11 fish i had in there My surviving cory danio and gourami are starting to look a little better, i'm still doing water changes and such to get the water back to normal. Yesterday day was not a good day :(

next time try using Melaflix, only thing I use. I don't even take out the carbon I just leave it in, I was given 2 iridescent sharks Which I wasn't told one which is 12 inches long other was about 6 inches long, I already had tons of fish in my small 55 gallon, well to make a long story short I put them in, and both freaked out!! trying to jump out of the tank smashing the lid of the tank, anyways both were so cut up I honestly didn't think they were going to make it, (btw also have about 50 ghost shrimp) I dosed the tank 3/4 of the normal dose only once, turned temp up to 80 within a couple of days cuts were healed, and did not affect any of the other fish or shrimp, now housed in my new 125 gallon tank...Good Luck
BTW are you using Freshwater salt? If not, invest in some
Yeah next time I will def get freshwater salt and I'll give the Melafix a go. Also I think for the first dose of something i'll do like a half dose just to make sure i don't over do it.
What med did you use as I don't think pimafix destroys beneifcal bacteria.
Myxazin not meant to destroy beneifical bacteria either.

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