Help! My Synodontis Eupterus


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2004
Reaction score
North Queensland, Australia
Hi, I have a full-grown Synodontis eupterus that I've had for years now. It has always been a healthy fish. Recently it has seemed to have gone off food. I've tried all its usual favourites with no luck. I'm getting worried about it as its starting to get a bit thin. Its in a 180g tank with other synos, cats and plecos. All tank parameters and tankmates are fine. I'm running a fluval FX5 and two 305s with several airstones for added aeration. What could this be? This is my favourite fish and I don't want to lose it. :sad:
Can you post your water stats please.
Not eating can be stress, bacterial infection, internal parasites.

Does he look pale or darker in colour.
He is being listless and lethagic.
Can he maintain his balance in the water.
What does it look like when he goes to the toilet.
Hi thanks,

The stats are pH 6.8, NH4 0ppm, NO3 0ppm & NO4 0 ppm.

Fish itself looks fine, no colour change or loss of balance but does seem a bit listless. I haven't seen its poop as I haven't seen it eat for a few days.

Hopefully this helps.
Its rare to have a nitrate reading of 0. What your tap nitrate reading and do you have live plants.
If you can issolate try a bacterial med if he dosn't looked stessed.
Yes thought that was a little unusual, last time I tested it was 10ppm. Could my kit be stuffed? I managed to get some food directly to the fish. It made some attempt to get it but couldn't seem to suck it up. I can't see anything physically wrong with the fish's mouth though :huh: I will try to get him out to treat separately but it may be difficult (large tank with lots of driftwood). Thanks for your help.
Okay, I managed to catch to syno without stressing it too much. I'm now treating it separately with cocktail of antibiotics (gentamicin, tetracycline & ampicillin). Fingers crossed it clears up whatever's bothering him. I might be able to target feed him a little easier to improve his condition at the same time.
You haven't added 3 antibiotics have you. The tetracycline is enough on its own as it a neg and pos antibiotic.
Tetracycline is active against Gram positive and negative bacteria, but there are plenty of bacteria that are resistant to it. Same goes for the others, though they are more specific (gentamicin for neg, ampicillin for pos). I've gone broad spectrum because its virtually impossible to be certain of the cause. I am using them at a lower level than usual due to the syno being a scaleless fish. The good news is that its eating again, I got him eating some bloodworms yesterday :)
You could be over dosing your fish.
Do you have any experience with antibitoics as they can be lethal in the wrong hands.
Good Luck.

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