Help my puffer!

Ok we're looking at specific readings here for the SG, ammonia, nitrite and hopefully the nitrates. Be careful which test kits you use as some are not compatible with Amquel and will give false readings. How long have you had the fish?

Godricpuffer I really wouldn't start criticising others too much, I've been very careful what I've said on your posts, especially when you're cycling a tank with puffers!!
Are you useing any antiBacterial product? Perhaps you should as your problem sounds to me to be bacterial. Also a salt water bath might be in order. As for what caused your problem could it be a nip from one of your other puffers as puffers get older they get more and more ornery and this one might have caught a blow that turned into that wart looking thingy.


:byebye: Thanks for all your help but we have had to humanely kill my puffer to put him out of his misery. :-(

You have all been so helpful. Thanks again.

RIP Teffy Tealeaf
seriously, you need a hydrometer and check their water's SG. They really need something around 1.004 at that age.

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