Plants are a very good thing to have during an ammonia excursion Gregswimm. Thriving plants absorb an amazing amount of nitrogen. When I was doing high tech plants, I was dosing constantly with nitrogen just to keep levels from dropping to zero. The few plants listed are helping, but not much, simply because they are so few.
This is very true, but rotting plants do the opposite. Dead plants are a possibility if you don;t know what you are doing.
Edit: Especially when you use non-aquatics.
Edit 2: An incomplete list I stole.
"Acorus ( Acorus gramineus sp.)
Aluminum Plant (Pilea cadierei)
Arrowhead (Syngonium podophyllum)
Baby Doll (Cordyline terminalis)
Bamboo Plant (Bamboo sp.)
Black Pagoda (Aeschynanthus parasiticus)
Borneo/Underwater Fern (Trichomanes javanicum)
Brazilian/Borneo Sword, Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum tasson)
Chameleon Plant (Houttuynia cordata)
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema simplex)
Compact/Red Dracaena (Cordyline sp.)
Dragon Flame/Tongue (Hemigraphis repanda)
Dumb Cane (Dieffenbachia sp.)
Elephant Ear (Caladium sp.)
Green/Red/Gold Hedge (Alternanthera sp.)
Japanese Rush (Acorus sp.)
Kelantan Swordplant, Malayan Sword, Silver Queen (Aglaonema sp.)
Lucky Bamboo, Sandy (Dracaena sanderiana)
Mondo Grass, Kyoto Dwarf, Fountain Plant (Ophiopogon japonica)
Neanthebella Palm (Chamaedorea elegans)
Nerve Plant (Fittonia argyronanta)
Peliosanthes (Peliosanthes sp.)
Pickerel Weed/Rush (Pontederia cordata)
Pineapple Plant (Dracaena compacta)
Pongol Sword (Chlorophytum bichettii)
Pothos (Philodendron sp.)
Prayer Plant (Maranta leucoreura)
Princess Pine (Lycopodium obscurum)
Purple Waffle/Temple/Krinkle (Hemigraphis exotica, Hemigraphis colorata)
Sanderiana( dracaena sp.)
Scarlet Hygro, Alligator Weed (Alternanthera sessilis)
Schismatoglottia (Schismatoglottia sp.)
Spider Plant (Chlorophytum bichetii)
Stardust Ivy (Syngonium sp.)
Sweet Flag (Acorus calamus)
Umbrella Pine (Sciadopitys verticillata)
Umbrella Plant (Cyperus alternifolius)
Underwater Fern (Selaginella wildenowii)
Underwater Palm, Coconut Plant (Calamus sp.)
Underwater/Ground Pine, Club Moss (Lycopodium sp.)
Variegated Dracaena, Green Dracaena (Dracaena sp.)
White/Pink Lace (Melaleuca thymifolia)"