Fish Crazy
you technically didn't need to say any of that, because your signature covers all of what you just said, but only in one sentence.The
Sure I do but I’m aware of myself. There’s so many things changing and advancing every day in aquatics. You just need to move into the future and be a little more open minded. Just like when I told you I used Pothos in my tank and you said it was poisonous. Now you tell me to use it. You learned something from me didn’t you? What about when I told you not to clean your filter in chlorine tap water and you said you do it all the time. Really? I know I don’t know it all and learn a lot from others. You refuse to listen. Just like the pea thing. It’s as good for constipation as daphnia but with you it’s either your way or no way. You continually put down using peas. I’m just asking to be a little open and not so closed minded. Don't be a know it all and you will learn so much. We are all here to learn and share info. Colin has a lot of good information and I respect and appreciate what he says. I have some good info too and I feel like you think it’s hogwash either because I’m a woman or because I’m new. Not sure which it is.