Help! My Ghost Dosent Look Good!


Fish Addict
Feb 2, 2009
Reaction score
Ohio, USA
help!! i just got this ghost shrimp named Gamma three days ago! all has been fine! now he is laying on his side! he is flailing and he is greyish!! help!! what is wrong with him!!!!???!!!

i have gotten really attached to this stupid shrimp!! i cant loose it!!

and my lfs said that it was an accidental order and they dont get anymore in!!

so he is my last.... help!! :-(
help!! i just got this ghost shrimp named Gamma three days ago! all has been fine! now he is laying on his side! he is flailing and he is greyish!! help!! what is wrong with him!!!!???!!!

i have gotten really attached to this stupid shrimp!! i cant loose it!!

and my lfs said that it was an accidental order and they dont get anymore in!!

so he is my last.... help!! :-(

im sorry but Gamma is dead :(. Ghost shrimp die very easily because they are used as feeder shrimp. This being said, The people who manage these shrimp take really poor care with them since they are used as feeding. When ghost shrimp die, they turn a milky white color, it is very rare for a ghost shrimp to survive for atleast a month.
help!! i just got this ghost shrimp named Gamma three days ago! all has been fine! now he is laying on his side! he is flailing and he is greyish!! help!! what is wrong with him!!!!???!!!

i have gotten really attached to this stupid shrimp!! i cant loose it!!

and my lfs said that it was an accidental order and they dont get anymore in!!

so he is my last.... help!! :-(

im sorry but Gamma is dead :( . Ghost shrimp die very easily because they are used as feeder shrimp. This being said, The people who manage these shrimp take really poor care with them since they are used as feeding. When ghost shrimp die, they turn a milky white color, it is very rare for a ghost shrimp to survive for atleast a month.

:-( NO!!

i cant beleive how attached i got to that little thing... i watched it every day, it ate off the ground, i fed it algea wafers.... i will miss him...

idk were to get another shrimp... he was $0.29 because they didnt even know they had them
they said they wont get any more in!

were can i get more? i am 14 and cant afford much... i have pretty much no money :-(
it is very rare for a ghost shrimp to survive for atleast a month.
I'm gonna have to say this is incorrect. My ghosts lasted several months, and even managed to get a second generation going. You just need to find a dealer that has disease free stock.

To the OP, chances are he'll be dead by the time your read this. I would do a test for ammonia and such.

You can probably find them in other stores if you go browsing around. Do not get any if they look like they have cloudy spots in them.
it is very rare for a ghost shrimp to survive for atleast a month.
I'm gonna have to say this is incorrect. My ghosts lasted several months, and even managed to get a second generation going. You just need to find a dealer that has disease free stock.

To the OP, chances are he'll be dead by the time your read this. I would do a test for ammonia and such.

You can probably find them in other stores if you go browsing around. Do not get any if they look like they have cloudy spots in them.

oh thanks for correcting me :p ,

help!! i just got this ghost shrimp named Gamma three days ago! all has been fine! now he is laying on his side! he is flailing and he is greyish!! help!! what is wrong with him!!!!???!!!

i have gotten really attached to this stupid shrimp!! i cant loose it!!

and my lfs said that it was an accidental order and they dont get anymore in!!

so he is my last.... help!! :-(

im sorry but Gamma is dead :( . Ghost shrimp die very easily because they are used as feeder shrimp. This being said, The people who manage these shrimp take really poor care with them since they are used as feeding. When ghost shrimp die, they turn a milky white color, it is very rare for a ghost shrimp to survive for atleast a month.

:-( NO!!

i cant beleive how attached i got to that little thing... i watched it every day, it ate off the ground, i fed it algea wafers.... i will miss him...

idk were to get another shrimp... he was $0.29 because they didnt even know they had them
they said they wont get any more in!

were can i get more? i am 14 and cant afford much... i have pretty much no money :-(

dudee....... im only 13 years old lol..
Sorry to hear about your shrimp :( They are awesome little critters, we have some as well. I have heard of them living for much longer than a month!

If you can't get any in pet shops I would ask your parents to consider ebay. We have had great success buying shrimp off ebay, ours are still going strong! Do make sure your parents give you permission though. You can get some very good deals!
he is dead.... :-(

he turned dark grey then pinkish

my parrents wont let me use ebay, the last thing i bought on there i was ripped off on and now i no longer have an account. the item was 12 Amorphophallus konjac tubers, they came and they were either rotten or in horrid shape.. waste of $20

does anyone on here breed shrimp?
i went to my lfs yesterday and they said that they dont take orders unless they are for large projects!!

and they dont carry shimp exept the salt water ones...

anyone here have baby shrimp?

i am in the US, thanks!

i need to replace this thing..i loved him. :-(

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