Help, My Freind Has A Very Big Problem

guys the reson i havent vacumed my gravel is because i dont know how to use it and yes i got one

I know her really well, but I don't know their routine. I know they're trying to figure out how to use the gravel vacuum.
:angry: hey you dont know my routine but i do just ask me please :rolleyes:
We need to know:

How often do you do water changes?
How many gallons are the water changes?
How often do you vacuum your gravel?
How often do you clean your whole tank? (although I would not do it if I were you, I just thought we needed to know because if you clean your whole tank the the beneficial bacteria would get wiped out).
Gravel vacuums are easy-peasy to use! :D

Have a look on YouTube you'll find some instructional videos on how to use them! Basically all you do is put the big plastic end in the tank and suck on the tube and the water should flow out! Then stick it in the gravel and it's so satisfying to watch all of the nasty come out of the gravel!! :S
How often do you clean your whole tank? (although I would not do it if I were you, I just thought we needed to know because if you clean your whole tank the the beneficial bacteria would get wiped out).
not at all. More than 90% are on your filter media, which is why we never replace that, just rinse in old tank water monthly.
so all i do is go on youtube and wach a vidio of how to use a fish vacum :blink:
You could, and lucyB gave some good info, but you also have to know your make and model
Any updates? Is the tank okay now? :)
Her tank was better for a while (Because she put a lot of medication in it), but then, her fry died, and her swordtail died, and her sailfin molly died. And she has only had them for about 1 or 2 months, so they didn't die of old age.

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