Help, My Freind Has A Very Big Problem


Fish Fanatic
Oct 20, 2012
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Help my freind has a realllllly big problem. Her dalmation molly died, and it looked like it had fuzzy mold on it. Then her swordtail has little black dots all over it, and it has pure white fuzzy mold on its eyes and mouth. And her lyre-tail, sail fin, and gold dust mollies are having trouble swimming. And her lyre-tail molly has little white spots all over it, and it is fading color. She has a 55 gallon tank with 1 guppy, 1 sail fin molly, 1 lyre tail molly, 2 balloon mollies, 2 unknowns, and 1 dalmation molly. The water tests were.
It is filtrerd and heated. Please help she really LOVES her fish. :sad:
Water changes! Get nitrite as close to 0 as you can, and nitrate under 40. If it doesn't go away after that, you may have a parasite or sickness in there, but get the water under control first.
What should she do after she gets the water under control. She has nitrite, nitrate, Ammonia, and pH lowerer.(the treatment, she hasn't gotten it down yet) she has fungus gaurd too.
Get yourself ammonia test too. Ammonia and NitrIte should be 0 at all times, highly toxic to fish. NitrAte should be kept under 20ppm but that's not the major problem now. Do a 90% water change to remove all nitrItes and there's probably ammonia but you need to test that. You fishes are being poisoned and at the moment you see the secondary complications of that. Medication before put the ammonia and nitrIte levels under control not only won't do anything, but can kill the fish.
hey im the firiend and yes i love my fish please hellp me im in need :unsure:
She has ammonia test and it is at 0.

Missed that, sorry. The advise is already given really. I hope you are doing the water change. Nitrite at 5ppm will kill all the fish. This should read 0.
What should she do after she gets the water under control. She has nitrite, nitrate, Ammonia, and pH lowerer.(the treatment, she hasn't gotten it down yet) she has fungus gaurd too.

Why are you lowering the PH? Chemicals can never do that permanently and even an experienced fish keeper can kill fish this way. Throw that in the bin.
Once you get the levels under control, which won't happen magically and will take at least a few days large water changes, then the best bet is to post pictures of the affected fish. Some will recover naturally from the good quality water. If you still have issues, then depending on the symptoms, you can treat but at this stage you don't know what to treat for really.
The white fuzzy stuff could be bacterial and secondary fungal infection or from your description, have a look at a disease called "columnaris", quite common for tanks left to their own devices.
1.not all of us are computer genuis's so all of us will not be able to post pictures, so please don't ask for any more pictures.
2.why should you throw it in the bin, mollies(which she has a lot of) thrive at 7.2, so if she wants, she can lower it. Because right now, it is at 7.6
3.what do you mean at this stage, she just noticed it yesterday, their not that deep in sickness. And she is trying water changes.
4.I understand that it is common, but what do you mean it is common in tanks left for their own deevices. said she should get ammonia test too. So I was telling you that she already had ammonia test and its reading was 0.
I don't want to argue with you or hurt your feelings, but I'm just telling you my oppinion.
... You can just ask if you don't know how to upload a picture, we are only trying to help you but you don't seem to want to take any of our advice. How are we to tell you specifically what's going on with the fish.. Without any pictures? Upload them to, then copy and paste the BB code to your post.

Chemicals that lower pH are unnecessary. Mollies can adapt to different pH levels, not just 7.2. In fact, it's much better if they are kept at a CONSISTENT pH level, not doing any unnecessary adjustments. If the pH was so high, like 10, then some adjustments would be necessary. But at this point, the most important thing is keeping ammonia and nitrite down. Sure, if your friend wants to go against this advice, feel free to, but keep in mind that were not trying to kill the fish here, we're trying to help them.

By the time the fish show symptoms... It has already damaged their gills and have shortened their lifespan. Yes, water changes will alleviate the fish's visible illness, but they will not be the same as before and will most likely die sooner than they would have.

And please be a little nicer with your responses.. You can have your own opinion but we are only trying to help since you asked..
1.not all of us are computer genuis's so all of us will not be able to post pictures, so please don't ask for any more pictures.
2.why should you throw it in the bin, mollies(which she has a lot of) thrive at 7.2, so if she wants, she can lower it. Because right now, it is at 7.6
3.what do you mean at this stage, she just noticed it yesterday, their not that deep in sickness. And she is trying water changes.
4.I understand that it is common, but what do you mean it is common in tanks left for their own deevices. said she should get ammonia test too. So I was telling you that she already had ammonia test and its reading was 0.
I don't want to argue with you or hurt your feelings, but I'm just telling you my oppinion.

Point 1: Open an account with imageschack or photobucket(you'll find the websites via google). Upload your pictures there, then post the links to the pictures on the forum here.
Point 2: I'll repeat I guess, chemicals can't change the Ph to the desired value permanently so it will cause PH swings which in turn will kill your fish. Whether to throw it in the bin or kill the fish is entirely your choice.
Point 3: Yes, they are advanced stage of sickness, whether from the nitrItes directly or a secondary disease. By the time the fish start developing visual damage, they've been suffering for a long time prior to that. What do you mean by your friend is "trying water changes"?
Point 4: Your nitrAte levels are 160ppm, your nitrItes are 5ppm. There's no way that a properly maintained tank will reach these levels unless you are keeping whales or there's a dead mouse in tank. You said there's just 7 smallish fish in a 55G tank? When was the last water change prior to noticing a problem and how often and how large were the water changes done? Did it include siphoning the gravel?
Point 5: I already apologized for not seeing you posted the ammonia level but it doesn't matter really as nitrIte is enough to kill the fish. It's actually a lot more poisonous to fish than ammonia at levels even as low as 0.25ppm, so imagine what 5ppm are doing to the fish. So no point at banging again that the ammonia is at 0 and I missed a word out of your post for which I again apologize.

I don't know why are people asking a question when they don't want to hear the answer.
1.not all of us are computer genuis's so all of us will not be able to post pictures, so please don't ask for any more pictures.
2.why should you throw it in the bin, mollies(which she has a lot of) thrive at 7.2, so if she wants, she can lower it. Because right now, it is at 7.6
3.what do you mean at this stage, she just noticed it yesterday, their not that deep in sickness. And she is trying water changes.
4.I understand that it is common, but what do you mean it is common in tanks left for their own deevices. said she should get ammonia test too. So I was telling you that she already had ammonia test and its reading was 0.
I don't want to argue with you or hurt your feelings, but I'm just telling you my oppinion.

No need for the aggression. These guys know their stuff, follow their advice and the fish will pull through :good:.
Fuzzy mould? Sounds to me like fungus! But you have to understand, we really do need a picture to find out what is happening with your fish, and to give you the best advice possible s you don't lose any more. :nod:

We all just want the best for your fish :good:
sorry but snazy i dont think i could ever post pichers but i repeat help me in a no picher form :good:

Fuzzy mould? Sounds to me like fungus! But you have to understand, we really do need a picture to find out what is happening with your fish, and to give you the best advice possible s you don't lose any more. :nod:

We all just want the best for your fish :good:
thanks lucyb but im i little nerves on posting pichers whrite now whell i gess cause i dont understand how to.

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