Help! My Filter Keeps Killing My Neon Tetras


New Member
Apr 26, 2009
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Hi! can anyone here help me? there are already 4 neons died stuck in my filter. i have a liquid filter. should i change my filter or is there something i can do to my filter?
Exactly what type of filter is it? (Make + Model)

Are the fish showing any signs of distress, colour loss, fin wasteage etc etc before they gie and get sucked into the filter?

What are your water stats?

What size is the tank?

How many tetra and what other fish do you have in the tank?

Also this may be better off in the tropical fish emergencies section.
its a SPEED SP-7800 aquarium liquid filter.

no they dont lose color nor fin wasteage

i have a 15gal tank

10 neons
5 guppies
4 corys
How many neons were added in one go?
Is the tank cycled?
What are the tank water stats (I asked but you didn't put them down)
I can't find the type of filter you have, could you put a link to a page about it?
What happened to the dwarf gouramis by the way?

Also please address the stocking suggestions on your other post!

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