Mostly New Member
I'm new on this forum, and i have a problem.
My new Crowntail Betta, Ares, won't eat anything! we have tried betta flakes and pellets, but neither work.
When we give him the flakes, he flat out won't eat them. he'll eye them, and leave them there.
and when we give him the pellets (first tried it this morning), he will swallow them, make a weird head motion, like he's chewing (or choking), then spits them out.
I got him at Pet Club, the best LPS in sonoma county ( the other two are PETCO and Pet Smart, but i don't care for them).
My little sister has two other bettas from there, Rainbow and Ember (yes, rainbow is a male, but she didn't know until after she named him.), and they are fine, they both eat the betta flakes and are very happy. Ares currently has to live in an unheated mason jar while his habitat establishes, and i suspect he may not be eating because he is unhappy living in a jar with 4 inches in diameter to "swim around" in.
i hate putting him in such a small place, but it's WAY better than the cups they come in, with two inches in diameter for "swimming".
all they can do in those cups is turn around and go up for air, and they barely have enough room for just that. just two inches is a big difference for them, not kidding, when i first put him in the jar, he was so happy, he had just enough room to go into full flare and still have a little room to spare. he is small, so he should be okay in the jar for a little while longer, hopefully until his tank is established.
any advice to make him eat? i really don't want him to die because very much love him and he deserves to have better than he has now.
thank you for any suggestions, all are very much apreciated.
My new Crowntail Betta, Ares, won't eat anything! we have tried betta flakes and pellets, but neither work.
When we give him the flakes, he flat out won't eat them. he'll eye them, and leave them there.
and when we give him the pellets (first tried it this morning), he will swallow them, make a weird head motion, like he's chewing (or choking), then spits them out.
I got him at Pet Club, the best LPS in sonoma county ( the other two are PETCO and Pet Smart, but i don't care for them).
My little sister has two other bettas from there, Rainbow and Ember (yes, rainbow is a male, but she didn't know until after she named him.), and they are fine, they both eat the betta flakes and are very happy. Ares currently has to live in an unheated mason jar while his habitat establishes, and i suspect he may not be eating because he is unhappy living in a jar with 4 inches in diameter to "swim around" in.
i hate putting him in such a small place, but it's WAY better than the cups they come in, with two inches in diameter for "swimming".
all they can do in those cups is turn around and go up for air, and they barely have enough room for just that. just two inches is a big difference for them, not kidding, when i first put him in the jar, he was so happy, he had just enough room to go into full flare and still have a little room to spare. he is small, so he should be okay in the jar for a little while longer, hopefully until his tank is established.
any advice to make him eat? i really don't want him to die because very much love him and he deserves to have better than he has now.
thank you for any suggestions, all are very much apreciated.