help! my betta jumped out and doesnt eat


New Member
Aug 13, 2004
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my betta has been with me for 4 months...yesterday suddenly stopped eating...usually eats his food fast. then she started swimming upwards in a horizontal i placed him a somewhat deep tupperware didnt eat all day and just swam on the bottom with his little fins moving...i woke up the next day and found him on the carpet! he jumped out! and still not eating..not really active! help...i'm feeding it the bio-gold pellets....can anyone tell me whats wrong?
well apart from being suicideal, he sounds fine. maybe give him a lil more room to swim and try changeing out his water. a teaspoon or 2 of salt couldn't hurt either.

gl hope he gets better :thumbs:
You need a lid with holes in it..

Do a water change, dechorinate it, then feed him..
i changed the water and gave him more room to swim...still not eating....should i try different food? adding salt is something i havent done? table salt? is there special salt? sorry im new
Do NOT use table salt. Get aquarium salt, and throw in a pinch if it's a container less then a gallon. Also, try Hikari Betta Bio Gold, if he doesn't eat that, then you have problems.
i do use that brand of food...any other food suggestions? my fish died a few weeksago and i got it the same time as this one...could my fish just be sad?
Try feeding him a shelled pea. Only frozen or fresh, NO canned. Run it under warm water and remove the shell. Squish it up a bit and float it. Peas help the digestive system and will help if he has swim bladder. Doesn't hurt to try.

You also may want to try giving him some live foods or some frozen food. Your fish store probably carries one or the other. Hikari makes frozen bloodworms (that's what I use :p ) That might interest him a bit more.
i would put the fish in something a little larger than a tupperware container. and make sure it is heated! bettas need a temp of about 78 normally and sick bettas need to be even warmer.
if the conatiner is too small for a heater, then look for a reptile heat mat at the pet store and place it under the conatiner.

if you can find bettaMAX (not the bottle of poo known as bettaFIX), then that would most likely be helpful. bettamax comes in capsules and will turn your water green. aquarium salt would also be good. (make sure it is freshwater salt,not marine. fw salt is in rock form and usually comes in a carton)

make sure that you do water changes often. at least once a week! for now (since he is sick) you should probably do them every 3 days. make sure the water is conditioned too.

hope this helps.
thanks everybody for the good suggestions....i'm headed over to the pet store now
rykitten said:
Try feeding him a shelled pea. Only frozen or fresh, NO canned. Run it under warm water and remove the shell. Squish it up a bit and float it. Peas help the digestive system and will help if he has swim bladder. Doesn't hurt to try.

You also may want to try giving him some live foods or some frozen food. Your fish store probably carries one or the other. Hikari makes frozen bloodworms (that's what I use :p ) That might interest him a bit more.
What ry said she's smart
i recently gave my betta some betta first it was swimming downward towards the bottom of the container...then it started swimming around like usual and this time no where near the bottom of the tank....i tried to feed but it still didnt eat is this normal?
i dont know why yuor betta is not eating. glad the bettaMAX is helping though :)
just make sure that yuo arent leaving the uneaten food in the tank. it could rot and cause your buddy to get a bacterial infection.

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