Help. My Betta Fish Is Suffering.

Sorry to hear that.
You still need to do water changes with dechlorinated water as advised by nic1 or the Tetras will suffer.
I would, as nick said, do frequent water changes. STOP adding salt PERIOD, because tetras don't need it. (make sure you use de-chlorinator)
Well. The guy in the pet store told me to add a Table spoon of salt per gallon and they will love me for it and keep them healthy and to also use it when they're sick. 
"the guy in the pet store" was not entirely right. I've worked at 3 different pet stores, 2 being very involving with aquariums. This is incorrect information to give out to a customer, your not required to add salt At all in a freshwater tank, the salt will help but when you throw 8 Table Spoons in there, its unhealthy. use salt when a fish is ill, using salt every once a month in your tank (required dosage) is ok as long as you do a water change which I also suggest to you. also in regards to your Betta dying, did he die in the tank?
Table spoon
I think that should have been a teaspoon per gallon.
A teaspoon of salt is 5 grammes, x 8 = 40 grammes.
A Tablespoon is about 17 grammes. x 8  =  about 130 grammes. That is a lot of salt for a 28 liter tank.
Also did you dissolve the salt before adding it to the tank?

  Salt as a preventative is useless and dangerous.  Soft water fish are affected by salt, some more than others.  Hard water species such as livebearers tend to tolerate salt better.  But except for specific treatment of a disease where salt is the best option (like ich, velvet, etc) it is best not to add salt to a freshwater fish aquarium.  The so-called "preventative" levels sometimes suggested are completely useless, which makes the use of salt--which can and will debilitate many freshwater fish--pointless.
The betta fish died in the tank. Although he was barely moving before i added salt I think that's what finished him off.
Thank you for the advice in the future I will not use salt and do more search before i carry out an action.
Good :) also, last piece of advice. since your betta died in the tank I would do a 20% water change, since he was ill and you wouldn't want any other fish to catch that disease.

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