Help! My betta fish is injured

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The Betta isn't going to starve any time soon. Unlike mammals and birds that use most of the food they eat to keep warm, fish take their body temperature from the surrounding water. This means any food they eat gets used for growth and movement. The fish is full grown and isn't an active swimmer. She should be able to survive on fat reserves for several months without any issues. Having said that, if she doesn't start eating within a week and can't swim properly, then it's probably time to euthanise. But give her a week to recover and see how she goes. It's a bit like a human having a serious accident. Most people don't eat straight after being involved in a car crash. The fish needs time to recover. If it still isn't eating or swimming normally in a week's time, then it has some serious internal issue.
Ohh this is so heart breaking! I'm so sorry this happened 😔

Would you be able to update us?
Continue to offer regularly small amount of frozen food as close to her mouth as you can. if not on he eats a lot, still in the shrimp tank, she swims but not much, she still alive and recovering.
Thank you
The Betta isn't going to starve any time soon. Unlike mammals and birds that use most of the food they eat to keep warm, fish take their body temperature from the surrounding water. This means any food they eat gets used for growth and movement. The fish is full grown and isn't an active swimmer. She should be able to survive on fat reserves for several months without any issues. Having said that, if she doesn't start eating within a week and can't swim properly, then it's probably time to euthanise. But give her a week to recover and see how she goes. It's a bit like a human having a serious accident. Most people don't eat straight after being involved in a car crash. The fish needs time to recover. If it still isn't eating or swimming normally in a week's time, then it has some serious internal issue.
Thank you!, she is eating now as usual, but, she isn't swimming much, she swims more than few weeks ago, but not like before the attack, she is less curved too, maybe her spine is healing. Also she tends now to stay upright straight for around 20 minutes or more, the firsttime I saw her doingthat i thoughshe was dead... She is much better, however she is less active, than before as I mentioned.
Since she has started eating, just keep looking after her. She may never swim properly again and might have issues but she is eating and that's a good sign.

Have some floating plants like Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) at the surface so she can rest in the branches near the top of the tank. Or get a Betta log (make sure it's smooth on the inside) and put that near the surface for her to rest in.
So glad to know she's doing better! You're doing a great job! ❤️

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