Help! My Baby Amano Turned Into This?


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
My last amano purchase was 4 months ago , i moved some wood around in the tank and found this eating a cherry shrimp
WHAT is it ????????? It's got 2-3mm little pincers

sorry only pics i can get is with my phone as camera not charged




I wonder if this is some type of Macrobrachium? The females don't have such robust claws as the males, but they should be obvious, and stick out about as far as the tip of the rostrum (the "nose" thing). See for example, M. faustinum.

Macrobrachium are certainly opportunistic, and will eat anything they can catch. That said, if the cherry shrimp was dead, anything would eat it. So I'd not cry murder just yet!

Cheers, Neale
How old are the oldest shrimp in the tank if its 10+ months then they were probably dead already and scavenged.
I wonder if this is some type of Macrobrachium? The females don't have such robust claws as the males, but they should be obvious, and stick out about as far as the tip of the rostrum (the "nose" thing). See for example, M. faustinum.

Macrobrachium are certainly opportunistic, and will eat anything they can catch. That said, if the cherry shrimp was dead, anything would eat it. So I'd not cry murder just yet!

Cheers, Neale

thats the length as shown on the female
It could be a female amano, it is hard to tell from the photo, they will eat dead shrimp and can sometimes kill very small dwarf shrimp, I saw it happen once. Unless you saw the cherry moving I would expect it was dead before the shrimp started to eat it.
no definately not a female amano - she could be another type of the amano sort of shrimp
she's nearly an inch bigger than my largestest female amano ---- been keeping amanos for 8 years never had one like this
maybe she's just a strange mutation :blink:
Photo too blurry to see the front limbs; you'll have to review pictures of female Macrobrachium yourself, and make comparisons with what's in your tank. Macrobrachium rarely make good companions for other types of shrimp. Indeed, many are quite likely to catch fish, too.

Cheers, Neale

thats the length as shown on the female
Photo too blurry to see the front limbs; you'll have to review pictures of female Macrobrachium yourself, and make comparisons with what's in your tank. Macrobrachium rarely make good companions for other types of shrimp. Indeed, many are quite likely to catch fish, too.

Cheers, Neale

thats the length as shown on the female

i've moved it into my juwel rio now , it was in the aquaone so it can live in the rio as long as it wants cos i never have any fry in there - i always transfer any i find in that tank to grow on tanks cos the rams and gourmamis are notorious fry munchers
I have a female amano shrimp that is huge as well. Almost double the size of the other amanos i have.
But i have not seen her eat anything out the ordinary.
but it would not surprise me to see the bigger eating the smaller. thats just nature..

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