Help My Anenome Is Doing Horrible


Fish Fanatic
Nov 1, 2005
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My anenome seems to be spitting out a transparent sac. WHAT IS THIS? Will he die? Should I take it out before he dies? He hasn't bein doing good for a long time too. Its a 20L gal best lighting like 180 watts. And I think I majorly stressed him._CF
How did you majorly stress him? Water change? Temp change? Salinity change?

Water params?

Sounds like he is expelling his internals. And that does mean he is stressed. We need to figure out whats doing it to him though.
Well..................I took him out and put it in a bucket, while I was getting rid of my aragonite gravel. Then the water temperature changed and I put him back in the tank after about 1and a half hours. Yea I know it was stupid.... don't say it was or I will find out where you live and destroy YOUR tank. I think my anenome is going to die because he is detaching from his base. I am very heartbroken.... I am about to cry.... I discourage any newcomers to the marine hobby to never get a Anemone even if it is tempting, it will probably die anyway. Well I must leave and tend to my aquarium. Farewell! _CF
I totally agree, no newcomer to the marine world should ever be tempted to keep anenomes, they are expert only, live for centuries (so who takes care after you are dead?) and require perfect water conditions.

Handling the anenome has undoubtedly stressed it, the fact that it seemed unwell before you did this is not a good sign also. Why were you changing the sand? Aragonite is a great buffer for the tank. I would watch the anenome carefully and look for signs of further dterioration. DO you h ave any other livestock in the tank with it? If so then get fresh salt water prepared and ready to use should it die and poison the tank.
I changed my gravel because there was too much in the tank and they were trapping particles which caused nitrates. The anemone is still not doing that well. He isn't accepting any foods. _CF
What lighting did the anenome come from and what temperature light do you run now? It may well be lightshock.
This is a good example of why anemones should NOT be in small tanks and should ONLY be added after becoming an experienced marine aquarist. I agree with Navarre.

You have difficult decision to make. If the anemone is not doing well, you may want to try and return it to the lfs. If it dies in your tank, it may 'nuke' it. Be very careful and keep a close eye on it. SH
I doubt its light shock, hes been kept in the same tank under the same light for a while, I'll lay odds it was temperature that did it, that or stirring the sand. For future refference if you have too much sand just siphon it out when you do a water change, may take a while to get it all but its so much easier to do.

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