Hi, i'm new to fishkeeping and have a 36 gallon bowfront tank using an aqeuon quietflow 55 filter, and the tank is in the process of being heavily planted. Currently I have:
6 zebra danios
3 honey gourami
3 oto catfish
1 siamese algae eater.
I'm thinking of bringing my zebra danios back to petsmart and getting some more colourful fish for my tank. I was thinking of a couple dwarf flame gourami, and a school of cardinal or neon tetras or maybe even rainbowfish? Any recommendations would be awesome! Would like the fish be as nice looking or colorful as possible!
6 zebra danios
3 honey gourami
3 oto catfish
1 siamese algae eater.
I'm thinking of bringing my zebra danios back to petsmart and getting some more colourful fish for my tank. I was thinking of a couple dwarf flame gourami, and a school of cardinal or neon tetras or maybe even rainbowfish? Any recommendations would be awesome! Would like the fish be as nice looking or colorful as possible!