Help Me! Questions To Ask! Issues To Resolve!


Fish Crazy
Jan 2, 2011
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Maybe this thread isn't as important as the title implies so firstly my apologies for that. The reason behind the thread is to help resolve some issues I have which have been mentioned in individual threads previously but suffered from lack of attention so I'm putting them all together!

Ill start with the newest issue, one of my cherry barbs has singled out one of my golden barbs and is whenever it has an opportunity decides to chase it! The golden barb isn't getting injured at all just harassed basically! I was just wondering why hes decided to do this and if anybody can help?
Here's a short video for you to see for yourselves exactly whats happening...

Secondly, I'd like to confirm I have a male and female GBR, these pics point clearly towards a pair in my eyes but I'd like confirmation from you guys. However the suspected male sometimes has hints of blue through his spot (not shown in pics) could he still be male?

Suspected male

Suspected female

Both rams together

Finally, I will be re-scaping my tank very soon and to commit to it I have already cleared the tank except from a ship wreck which I've become fond of (so have the fish) so I'm looking for some inspiration from you guys. Seen some amazing setups in the TOTM section but I'm struggling to picture a setup with the wreck included. Here's how the tank looks now...


Can't help with the rams, but what are the numbers on each variety of barbs?
Originally there were 4 of each but now there are 2 cherrys and 4 golden.
Does the variety effect behaviour towards each other would ok say I'd presume they'd be fine, well they have been for over 6 months anyway its just started recently

Yeah, barbs like to be in larger groups, and tend to gravitate toward thier own variety.
Sorry, I can't help with the rams, haven't kept any yet
Ok so are you saying its aggression? It's just the fish aren't damaged and its only happening to that one barb? I don't really want to fill the tank with more barbs
Sounds like bullying. It may stress the little one out and leave it disease prone. Perhaps you could rehome the barbs.
Have you posted the rams under new world chiclids? Might get more responses.
Good lookers, by the way.
Also some plants would give the barbs more places to hide.
Regards to rehoming, would beta struggled could have sword with the LFS though...
Yes I posted the GBR's under new world cichlids got some replies but not many, I got a few slating the quality of the pics which were from the iPad, also now the suspected male is showing some signs of blus in (his) black spot...
And yes I will be putting some plants in shortly I have emptied it as mentioned and hoping for some inspiration although I have a few ideas

Cheers frapadoodle
Well scapes can be somewhat personal.
But first I would go for a background.
Then swords, or crypts, or stems along the back right. Tall anubius back left corner. Java fern around the back of the ornaments and anubius nana around the front. Some folks like a carpet, but with a dark substrate, just not my cup of tea.

Well what I could find, you may have the sexes reversed on your rams, but it is a wag. Does one have a pinker belly?
Looks like its just me and ou frapadoodle
Yes I am going for a black on black with the background I removed an old one as it was damaged when doing a mod on the tank.
I'm thinking of purchasing a carpet but cutting it up and scattering small squares around what do think?
I've also been looking for some tall artificial plants for the back (don't want the hassled live) but am struggling tbh
No neither have pinkish bellies, the reason I've sexed them the way I have is one has blue running through/over their spot (suspected female) and the other has not (suspected male) however I have recently seen very faint shimmers of blue in the spot so I aren't too confident on that one!
Thanks for helping frappadoodle it is much appreciated
No worries.
What I saw about gbrs was fin shape, males more pointed. And females being a little more portly than males, as well as having pinker bellies.
Although I prefer live plants, if you can go for silk plants. Plastic can sometimes injure fish.

Maybe if you would just be ugly toward folks around here you might get more replies. You're just too nice, but then again I do like to stir the pudding.
Oh, frapadoodle, you're such a troublemaker! LOL! Me? I NEVER cause any trouble. Never. 

The reading I did on the rams also pointed out the black fins on the female, but I don't see that in either of your fish, unless the light was making it difficult to see. At any rate, these both look like juvies, so maybe they're not quite old enough to sex yet. 
I found this video about it. Seems to be fairly good.
In my opinion theyre chasing eachother because they dont have enough places to hide so say one hide in or near the ship then he sees the gold barb, he will chase it away because thats his spot. Its like having some kid come in your house, you'd chase him out and away from it. Thats my opinion tho, as for aquascaping it, plants look really nice with darker color substrate. You have a black substrate so lots of greenery would look sweet. Perhaps two ruffled swords on both sides of the ship and a vallisneria (think i misspelled that). A medium anubais in the middle of the ships. Maybe a little cave decoration or bunch of rocks in a pile on one of the sides of the ships, some umbrella plants around the cave, and then a bunch of java fern scattered across the ground. And if you get a surface fish like a gourami or swordtail then get some brazilian pennywort. If you dont like the maintenance of live plants then you can get fake replicas but the nicer they look the more expensive they are. But its what YOU want and what YOU like. Whatever you think is cool or may look good buy it and if you dont like the look then bring it back and return it.

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