Help Me Please


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
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My lovely silver shark Fido ( has a dogs personality)

well he keeps turning onto back

I am so worried as he is my baby and i dont know what has suddenly caused it. the NO[sub]3[/sub] was high so I have remedied it but he is still out of sorts

he will swim about and then like he hs no energy he flips and sinks then off again he goes PLEASE

whats happening????

now what did i do??????
okay looked round site and saw similar problem with same breed and have taken advice there I have done a 10% change and moved him to the alternte tank as its stats are spot on I risk him eating the fry in there but hey its a choice..........

everything else seems fine and my next concern is can they od on de cholrinator?????? lol

if there is anyone out there who would just like to say you did right thing i would like that OH has said he will get up early to check the tanks to see if he is dead and dispose as I hate that bit and dont want dd to see them
How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
What do you feed your fish.

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