Jack Dempsey Enthusiast
Awww, a group of Cupids would have been fantastic, but i'm sure what you have now are going to be equally brilliant. Really want a group of Cupids myself now haha!
I like odd numbers personally. Even numbers look to 'uniform', its a throw back to gardening i think, whereby 3 plants in a triangle look better than 4 in a square plantation. Haha, might sound odd, but is true and i feel the same about fish, so i always go for odd numbers of whatever i buy, except a breeding "pair" ofcourse.
Enough waffling about that, personally i would go for a group of 5. They don't get too big, and are a sociable cichlid, so a group of 5 will have some nice interaction without overcrowding your tank.
On some level I'm itching to add a third Geo
On some level I'm itching to add a third Geo
3 geos is the very worst number of geos you can have. Pretty much always, one of them will get bullied badly by the other two, who will gang up on it. If you're going to get more, go for at least amother 3 to make a total of 5. Geos really do need a group to spread out aggresion, unless you are keeping just a singleton or a settled M/F pair.