Fish Connoisseur
All of them will work in your tank apart from the GN so its just up to which ones you like the most.
I wouldnt get golden nugget they get to big and territorial for a 46G IMO. I really would look for some Ancistrus claro if you can find them. there only small so you could probably have a group of 5 +. 1m 4F would be best because males wil fight and eat eachothers eggs.
I wouldnt get golden nugget they get to big and territorial for a 46G IMO. I really would look for some Ancistrus claro if you can find them. there only small so you could probably have a group of 5 +. 1m 4F would be best because males wil fight and eat eachothers eggs.
No, there are subspecies of Gold Nugget Plecos , some grow to different lengths, the only one suitable for a 46 gallon aquarium is L081, these GN has small spots. GN with big spots arnt suitable for your tank
I cant entirely recommend Bristle nose plecos to you. While good algae eaters, they can be aggresive, and if you read around , there are threads that say they attack other fish and eat Corydora's eyeball. But not all are like this.
And you cant have common pleco as they grow way too big
Scrol down to the post made by 'Daniel', his GN escaped.
I wouldnt get golden nugget they get to big and territorial for a 46G IMO. I really would look for some Ancistrus claro if you can find them. there only small so you could probably have a group of 5 +. 1m 4F would be best because males wil fight and eat eachothers eggs.
No, there are subspecies of Gold Nugget Plecos , some grow to different lengths, the only one suitable for a 46 gallon aquarium is L081, these GN has small spots. GN with big spots arnt suitable for your tank
I cant entirely recommend Bristle nose plecos to you. While good algae eaters, they can be aggresive, and if you read around , there are threads that say they attack other fish and eat Corydora's eyeball. But not all are like this.
And you cant have common pleco as they grow way too big
I have literally never heard of BNs eating cory eye balls? And since Gold Nuggets are one of the most territorial plecs around I think you are mistaken between species. Also the different Gold nuggets are not subspecies just different species in the same family but a who species by them selves due to their size and diet needs differing between them.
Scrol down to the post made by 'Daniel', his GN escaped.
That is one report on Aquahobby where anyone can post anything about fish I stopped using that site because of how unreliable it became. No plecs are open water swimmers like that guy suggested otherwise they would not have evolved and adapted as part of the plec species none of their build or body characteristics lends its self to being a strong swimmer especially to a point where they could launch them selves out of water.
Im not calling this guy a liar I believe his plec could have jumped out but I dont think it is because the plec was swimming in the current to strongly. If I am honest one of the main reasons for a fish jumping out of a tank is due to poor water conditions![]()