Help Me! Neon Deaths


New Member
Jan 12, 2005
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Hello All,
I have a Rio 180 (fluval) tank setup. I have some Neon Tetras, a couple of Dwarf Gouramis, and 4 catfish.
My tank has been Running for 3 months now, 2 months with fish. I have Live plants and a 2 pieces of wood as decoration in the tank.
I only have the Strip testing kit, and all of the levels in the tank are within the parameters specified.
I do partial water changes every week on my day off, i also add a plant food and a de-chlorinator/de stress solution when i do this.
Over the past month i have had 3 neon Terta deaths, i am very upset about this :-( the first tetra died avbout a month ago, he had no signs of anything wrong with him, just died. I went home last night and spotted one of me neons very close to the bottom, He could not swim properly, and his tail had a white fluffy substance on it, he looked in alot of pain and very stressed. i did after half an hour what i did not want to do. :-( :(
this morning i went to check my fish before i left for work and their was another tetra floating on the surface, barely alive and obviously suffering. He had no visible signs of any disease, but again i did what i knew i had to. I feel like i should not be keeping fish, i dont want my little guys to suffer. what is wrong with them? All the others seem fine. One of my dwarf Gouramis has what looks like a small amount of white on one of his feelers ( not technical). Is this anything? He seems fine. What am i doing wrong? Is it my Ignorance or Incompetance? :-( :-(
Please, please, please Help.
Sounds like you got a bad batch of neons you will need to treat with antibiotics treatment, can you issolate the fish as the antibiotic will cause your bacteria colony to die off.
I Purchased an extensive testing kit today! Everything is fine with the water. I think you may be right with the Bad batch of Neons, Unfotunantly. :-(
I have also noticed that a few Neons seem to have very red Gills, so i will go out and get something to treat Bacterial Diseases and see if this works. A couple of the fish seem to have inflated bellies aswell. not sure if this is all related? Thanks for the advice Wilder, would i get the antibiotics from a vet or lfs? Still Very concerned for the little ones :(
Are you sure your water quality is fine as red gills can be an indication of high nitrites, irratation, gill flukes,inflated bellies, can the fish maintain it's balance in the water, antibiotics whats your location.
Hello Wilder,
The Water quality is Excellent, I am Based in Germany. I have done some additional reading up and it seems that it may be Neon Tetra Disease and that some of the symtoms i have seen are a by product of this. I am going to get some bacterial disease remedy tommorow and see how it goes. I am as confused as you are, but the water quality is fine and as i have a bad feeling its NTD. thanks for all your help far, any further ideas or suggestions are appreciated.
Sorry if it is NTD I have had it and it's awful.
Yeah i think it may be :-( i bought them from a garden centre here in Germany, not from my normal source for fish, I think their lyes the problem. I hope that it isnt, and once again thanks for your help. I will post an update.
Unfortunantly thats the one that made me think they have NTD :-( I dont like having to, you know :byebye:
They say if they have NTD best to put them out of there misery, you will have to strip the whole tank down and start again, sterilising everything, even throwing all the sponges away, make sure it isn't false NTD, can you issolate the sick fish if possible.
Looked this morning and the rest of the fish look fine. Still going to treat the tank with a bacterial Remedy from the LFS. I will need to get another tank to isolate the ill fishes if any more arise. After a nights sleep the gills dont look too red,and no mre dead fish. Maybe i was looking for anything...... I will keep a close eye and as i say treat the tank. Will continue to update you.

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