Help Me Make My Perfect Tank

They are a nice tank only problem to think about is the filter is right in the corner so you have two options. 1 cut it out and just use external or 2. leave sufficiant space down the back for you to get in and do the maintenance as going in from the front is very hard.

Not a problem, I am going to use a canister since it's easier to clean and more effective.
They are pretty expensive tough. I want to buy one new to avoid leaks or anything, but I think it might be worth it! :)
Yeah its worth it IMO I had a second hand tank before this one and it was in a bit of a mess at times. I paid £500 for my Trigon about 6 years ago. Though only had it about 2 years but couldnt fault it really.

I bought it!! :) It's shipped whenever, I hope real soon.
So I want to plant it as well, do I need to use Co2? Because on my smaller tank, I didn't, the plants where brown, and fish ate them.
Any way to stop them from doing it?

Also, what plants do you recommend?

Thank you for your comments:)
Post pics when you get it. Turn this thread into a log of your progress.

I bought it!! :) It's shipped whenever, I hope real soon.
So I want to plant it as well, do I need to use Co2? Because on my smaller tank, I didn't, the plants where brown, and fish ate them.
Any way to stop them from doing it?

Also, what plants do you recommend?

Thank you for your comments:)

Anubias, Lemon Bacopa, Wisteria all grow great for me. No Co2 necessary.
Yes, this is definitively going to be a log! :)

If no Co2, do I need to put some kind of Bio- dirt under my sand for them to grow better?

I ended up buying another one, it is a corner tank, and around 300L.
It was £35 cheaper, and doesn't have a curved glass all the way, so my fish won't be weird looking.
Ah cool I think I know the type you mean. More like a petagram than a curved front?

With plants, not my strong point the planted section here is great though :) So well worth an ask. My usual "technique" is to get a few large Java Fern plants on wood - Tropical do it called XXXL Java fern in shops its about £30 each but instant way to fill up your tank with green, then add Valis around the back sections to grow over the top.

To give you an idea, this is what my tank look like (Google images, not the one I actually bought)

Yeah, I like the plants, seen the Java fern ones before, tough never tought they would work out in my tank. :)
I want some longer plants at the back, going to buy some when my tank arrives :)
Yeah thats what I thought :) Glad you got sorted!

Start a thread in the planted section and ask for a shopping list to get started :) The mods over there are really great and have such a plethora of knowledge its a real asset to the forum after the revamp :)

Yes, this is definitively going to be a log! :)

If no Co2, do I need to put some kind of Bio- dirt under my sand for them to grow better?

I ended up buying another one, it is a corner tank, and around 300L.
It was £35 cheaper, and doesn't have a curved glass all the way, so my fish won't be weird looking.

Great tank choice, I envy you!

I actually bought some clay looking stuff that was meant for aquatic plants & I ended up returning it. I figured the combination of black gravel & black sand would be good enough and it is.

My Wisteria plants have almost doubled in size and I've taken parts off them & transplanted them in other areas and they're growing like crazy too. You can see them in the back on my signature pic. This was before I got a new Coralife dual T5 light fixture! It was growing that well with only a 17 watt T8 bulb. Now the plants are growing out of control. The secret is to pick plants that don't require high lighting. Moderate or low lighting plants include Anubias, Java Fern, Wisteria, Lemon Bacopa, Anachris and some Amazon Swords. I have all of these in my tanks & the only ones that struggle a bit are the Swords.

I've visted many sites regarding plants including "" They have very valuable info but they're just too technical for me. I've had very good luck here on Tropical Fish Forums in the planted section.
Hello, a little update! :)

I am moving, since my apartment was damaged, and I really didn't like my neighbors and was looking for a better place to live.
So I am packed, and moving to Queens road (Wimbledon) tonight. My friends are helping out, we are probably going to be ready for 9 in the morning, so I can (bloody tired :) ) head out to work then.

Because I'm moving, I went to my LFS (now not so local :)), and asked them if I could change my order. They said yes, because the shipping is going to take at least a month, and they haven't dispatched it yet. So I changed the shipping address and the cabinet colour, so I am waiting to get it! :)

The previous owner of my new place had also a fish tank (700L), and I talked to her about how safe it is to put it there, she said it would be fine.

So I am still getting my tank, just in a while. Going to rent a car to move now, wish me luck ;)
I am going to be replying to this thread via my phone!

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