Help Me Id This Eel


Jan 8, 2008
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hey guys. need to get an ID confirmation on this eel. I believe it is the Peacock Spiny Eel (Macrognathus aculeatus) based on my searches here and google.
can you confirm? Can this eel live well in a 36" tank with mixed african/central/south american cichlids or will they eventually make a meal of it?


thanks :good:
Looks like Macrognathus siamensis to me. Do rely on Fishbase and/or scientific papers; virtually all aquarium books and web sites get spiny eel taxonomy hopelessly messed up.

No, it can't be kept with cichlids. Spiny eels need a quiet tank with a soft sandy substrate and nothing competing with them for food (certainly not at night, and preferably not at all). Certainly not catfish or loaches, and mixing them with cichlids would be a pointless risk. Macrognathus are best kept in groups since they're gregarious. It's worth noting that most spiny eels die within months of purchase despite the fact what they need is very well known. People ignore these requirements, thrown them into community tanks, and quelle surprise, the spiny eel dies.

Cheers, Neale
thanks for the help. further research with the correct name confirms the id based on pictures...

i will find someone to rehome the eel to. this specimen was caught while dipnetting off Tamiami Trail entrance to the Everglades yesterday and i wanted to find out proper ID to contact FWC about it, as i've been told this is the first time anyone in the history of our club catches one of these :blink:
i had seen that page before, but this species isnt listed on FWC's list of non-native invasive species? :unsure:

either way, it's cool that I caught this guy while dipnetting with the vice president of the club...

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