Help Me Id My Cories Please


Fish Fanatic
Jan 27, 2006
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Hi, when I started back to fish keeping this past year, I decided to try some new bottom dwellers that I had never had before. So, the LPS had some catfish on sale at the time. The tank was marked as all being Bronze Corys. I got 6 of them from the same batch.

Well, I have fallen in love with the little critters. Some of the most entertaining fish you could own. The problem is, I realize now that they are all not the Bronze corys that they were advertised to be. Just looking for some experts to take a look. I got a baby cory that was born recently and in the past 2 weeks has grown at an amazing speed.

So here is the motley crew residing in 2 tanks. 5 in one and 2 in the other.


This is one of 2 that are huge compared to the rest. They are almost 4 inches in length and about 2 inches tall at the back not counting the dorsal fin.


These are a matched pair. Always together. By the way, they are in the same cave opening as the previous picture of the "big" cory.


This is one of the pair in my other tank that has a white sand bottom. They dont look like the others either.

And finally.....


My wee baby. Not sure about which are the parents on this one. He's hard to catch for a pic though. In constant motion this one is.

So, thats my little critters. When I bought them, I didn't even know there were more than one type of Corys. The store clerk just assured me they were placid, friendly, and stayed small. Good community fish. And that they were "all bronze corys" as the tank was labeled.

Well, you see what I have and as they sang on Sesame Street, one of these things is not like the others.
Thanks for any help you could lend, and also, I started to post this in another thread and realized later that it was out of place there and a bit rude to hi-jack someone's questions. Sorry bout that Hops523.
The top might be emerald cories I know they grow big and the lfs has them around the size you say. I think the other 2 are bronze cories as is the baby not sure about the third not corie looking though.
I'm no expert but i think this is what they are hopefully someone else can be more definate
the top one just looks like a peppered cory to me, and the other too look like a bigger version of my bronze cory's <3
1. Corydoras paleatus (peppered)
2. Corydoras aeneus (bronze)
3. Corydoras aeneus (bronze)

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