Fish Crazy
I have a ten gallon tank with just a betta in it. I have attached a pic in the thread (he was sleeping so I didn’t turn on the lights, but I’ve only got two swords (One of which is floating -.-), three small branches of wisteria in the back (never grown it before so we’ll see lol) and an Anubias nana on a stone, and a hide. Needless to say, my vision of making the tank a forest is off to a bare start. I have some anacharis coming in, I think it’s three good sized bunches and some salvinia minima. Should I put the anacharis in the back? I really want to give it a very heavily planted, like forest look. I need some smaller plants and maybe some carpeting plants. However, I have a gravely type of sand substrate and no CO2 (although I’m looking into it, but I know zero about it currently). I have some more flourish root tabs on the way And also have Seachem flourish liquid fertilizer on hand. I have the Aqueon clip on LED light and have attached a picture of the K and par stuff (don’t know what it means though lol). I guess I just need some help on how to fill up my tank and what plants I should use given my tank and it’s characteristics. And also, if anyone has good online plant websites to order from, that would also be helpful.