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Passionate about fish and their care
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Oct 9, 2019
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So as of today I can no longer perform large water changes. I have a 42 gallon tank that I am setting up and I really love my fish and want to have this tank but if I cant do large water changes that severely limits my options. If I did just shrimp for now could this be feasible? I know shrimp is kind of a waste of such a large tank but I love having tanks everywhere

Sorry this was all over the place haha

@Deanasue @Byron @Colin_T @Retired Viking @Fishmanic
@Crispii @essjay
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I think shrimp are a good idea if you can't preform large water changes. They can be very interesting to watch! Good luck!
If you can put in lots of plants including floating plants, that may help lower the number of water changes required....but they must grow in for awhile to fully help lower nitrates. But not sure what you could stock it with...other here may be able to help better than I. Lately I've gone closer to 2 weeks between 50% water changes and nitrates stay very low and fish appear fine. I used to do WC every 7 to 9 days. I have my tanks overfiltered and have lots of mature plants.
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Just curious, what is the obstacle for large percentage water changes? There might be some helpful suggestions with some background on the situation.

What about making a modified paludarium? This would allow a smaller volume of water (IE 12g for example) to be changed at a higher percentage (IE 6 gallons would be 50%). For example, you could do a dwarf mudskipper setup with some fiddler crabs, a few mangrove trees, could even incorporate some small fish species like gobiidaes or waspfish if conditions are OK.
A shrimp tank isn't bad. You can have hundreds of shrimps for a 42. Just like the above post, any floating or fast-growing plants can help decrease the amount of water changes. You can also add some terrestrial plants like pothos into your filter, which help consume any traces of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate.
If aren't physically able to do large water changes, perhaps your Mom could help out with the water changes. If you are doing water changes by using buckets, perhaps it's time you got a Python Water changer to make things easier. I have a bad back and WC using buckets would not be possible, but I now use a Python and water changes are pretty easy.
Just curious, what is the obstacle for large percentage water changes? There might be some helpful suggestions with some background on the situation.

What about making a modified paludarium? This would allow a smaller volume of water (IE 12g for example) to be changed at a higher percentage (IE 6 gallons would be 50%). For example, you could do a dwarf mudskipper setup with some fiddler crabs, a few mangrove trees, could even incorporate some small fish species like gobiidaes or waspfish if conditions are OK.
A medical problem. I have an unknown medical issue that has gotten worse. I cannot lift anything heavy or bend over without extreme abdominal pain. It will be this way for the foreseeable future probably which really sucks. I could ask my parents for help with water changes but I think the answer would just be get rid of the tanks which I really dont want to do. I have one friend who would probably be willing to help sometimes but cant because of the lockdowns.
If aren't physically able to do large water changes, perhaps your Mom could help out with the water changes.
I'd probably just have to get rid of the tanks
Sorry to hear that. Would doing small water changes daily be an option for your condition? A single gallon weighs about 8 pounds.
For now, maybe you can stick to tanks 5 gallons and under to make WC a bit easier than if you set up your large tank.
Maybe your brothers could help you with water changes. Just teach them how to do them.
Sorry to hear that. Would doing small water changes daily be an option for your condition? A single gallon weighs about 8 pounds.
I could try. I'm might just stick with shrimp for now to help with that. Just sucks because I should be able to do the stupid water changes
Maybe your brothers could help you with water changes. Just teach them how to do them.
They hate helping with anything :rofl: its hard enough to get them to do chores let alone any extras. If I were to do small tanks I would have to buy the small tanks haha
Maybe you could give them incentive by paying them 50 cents each time they do a water change or give them a candy bar or cookies. :lol:
Ooohhh candy is always a winner. Or the little ones wanted a fish tank so I could have them choose the fish in exchange for carrying buckets...I'll think about that

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