Help Me Chose A Fish For My 10 Gallon Planted Tank.


Fish Fanatic
May 5, 2005
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California USA
Help me chose a fish for my 10 gallon planted tank.

I am considering dwarf Rasbora or neon tetras. Rasboras are smaller so I can keep a larger school. Neons are more colorful in my opinion, but the fear of neon tetra disease is a concern. Neons are a little to common but I always wanted them. Any other suggestions are fine.

Tanks mates will include 2 platys and 3 dwarf cories.

Tank is cycled for a year. 7.5 ph
Your tank is actually almost fully stocked as is. Do you really have room for even a small school?
I might be conflicting with what I just said, but I would go for the neons. I actually prefer them, too.

I think you can pop 6 dwarf Rasbora in there, but then thats your max on inhabitants... :)
Taking out the platys and cories, you could probably get away with up to 20 neons in there if you wanted. But you would have to work up to it slowly to let bacteria catch up to the extra load.

But probably a better option for you is maybe just 6 neons.

With a ph of 7.5 and it being planted too, you could also put some shrimp in there to make it more interesting.
Neons are more colorful in my opinion, but the fear of neon tetra disease is a concern. Neons are a little to common but I always wanted them. Any other suggestions are fine.

Tank is cycled for a year. 7.5 ph

Then get 10 Cardinal Tetras, they look just like Neon but are harder.

Neon Tetra [URL=""][/URL]

Cardinal Tetra0
Personally, I'd keep the trio of Corydoras, but get rid of the platties, which will give your new group of 10 Neon Tetra a little more space... :good:
You could get away with 3 corys and a small shoal of neons (max 6).

You have to test quite often though and really keep up on water changes. 25 - 30% a week.

I had a similar set up with this exact stocking and they were fine for over a year before I rehoused them in my current set up.

Add a school of White cloud mountain minnows. They like a ph of 7.5 and are hardy.
My little boy has a 12.5g planted tank in his room with 10 neon tetras in and they look GREAT!!!They are SUPER neon!!Took me ages to decide then thought stuff it,I know they're common,but if I went with a more trendy choice the tank was in danger of becoming boring looking fish wise.
I'm really happy I got neons now for that tank.
Even though they're common, neons are still some of the most stunning fish in the hobby. Nothing beats a large schoal in a planted tank.

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