Help Me Choose A Cory


Nov 9, 2010
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Alright, so here is my deal. I have a 36 gallon tank and I'm looking to get 6 Corys in the end. I currently have 5 LF Zebra Danios, and in addition to the Corys, I'd like a BN Plec and a shoal of maybe 8-10 Neon Tetras.

Anyhow, back to the Corys. I originally had my heart set on Peppereds, however with them getting to be 3" in the end, I'd pretty much have my tank half stocked at that point. That being said, I'm looking for a Cory that will be not much bigger than 2" full grown, is pretty hardy (IE I heard Panda Corys are tougher to keep so I'd like to stay away), can handle harder water conditions, and has decent availability so that I can actually find them.

Does anything jump out at anyone? I see mostly Bronzes, Peppereds, and Julii at the LFS around me, however there are some shops that carry more species around me.

PS I'm not a fan of albinos either. Anyone have any input?

PS, I know that sand is optimal substrate, however I have small, smooth gravel. Don't know if that makes a big difference. I know many advocate sand for barbel reasons, however I went the gravel route and I know they live there just fine as well.
I thought peppereds and bronzes are about the same size, give or take a centimeter? Unless you get the dwarf cories, I'm thinking there isn't really a difference in size and waste produced... So if you really love the peppereds you should go for them. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, that's just what I'm thinking.
Peppereds are often long and thin rather than short and fat like most corys. Tbh taking into account how much they eat I wouldn't consider peppereds that high on the bioload. I definitely wouldn't say a 36gal with 6 peppereds was half stocked unless you had high tap water nitrates and no plants. If you do want something hardy and ever so slightly smaller though then Julii (or more likely trilineatus) corys are a nice alternative.
I realize the size difference between Peppereds and smaller ones like spotted / false spotted is only around .75", but multiplied across 6 fish, that's 4.5" or about 3 more neons :-D If the bioload isn't significantly greater though as you mentioned, I'd be all for peppereds.

I know that the 1" of fish / gallon is the beginner rule, and I'm most certainly a beginner, however I feel that rule is because not everyone performs maintenance routinely. I still plan on doing 25% water changes weekly just because it doesnt take that long, so would I be ok with say 45 - 50" of fish so long as I am sure to keep up with maintenance?
It depends on a few things but I see no reason to avoid 45" of fish.

What are your tapwater nitrates?
Do you plan on planting it at all?
ive got 8 cory's in my 33G tank, amongst plenty of other fish. from my experience you could easily get more in your tank than what you have mentioned in your plan. to that end, i wouldnt worry about what size the cories will be, there are lots of great looking cories, buy the ones you like the look of. i recently saw some san juan cory's in my lfs, and they were small and looked great, and ive not seen them anywhere else before, so a bit less common than your peppered and bronzes. they were 6 quid each, compared to between 2-3 quid for a peppered or bronze, but personally im happy to spend the extra on less common fish.

dont get too caught up on the inch per gallon thing. as many people point out, you couldnt put a 24 inch fish in a 24G tank. some fish are relatively clean, some poo lots more than others. im at the limit of my stocking i think, ive got 16 various tetra (smallest being red eye), 8 cory, 2 plecs, 2 synodontis, 1 angel, 5 cherry barb, humbug catfish.
Tapwater nitrates are nil, tank has 3 small live plants and the rest are fake. Thanks for the advice all, looks like I'll choose based on which I like best and not on size requirements :good:
I have some wild caught Panda cory (most are wild) and they are/were no hassle whatsoever. Plonked them in the tank (aclimatised obviously) waited a day, added food. Job done, happy fish.

I plan on getting more panda's, definately my favourite corydora.
Ive only lost 1 panda and one made a hour drive from a dirty tank only to go into my tank for a day then transfer to someone elses 10 min way... I wouldnt recomend this but they are still pretty hardy
i had 9 bronze (2 fry about 2-3cm) in a 16 gal and they where fine, not ideal but where fine.

Would say in a 36 gal me personally id go for a group of 10, i have 17 bronze in my 4 foot now and they look wicked shoaling around. Also def wanna go for 10-15 neons or 10 and some other sort of fish they will shoal with, added 15 small cherry barbs into my tank yesterday and they shoal with my neons.

Just make sure your sure but any cory will entertain you and the bigger the group the happier they will be :good:

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