Help me anaylize a problem, Yes


Some days even my lucky rocketship underpants won'
Nov 19, 2004
Reaction score
Birmingham, AL
This is Som, I've had him since November, and I got him off AB.

He swim's fine 70% of the time..but he sometimes hover's vertical or just sits ona leaf or the bottom of the tank. (I think I've mentioned this before somewhere). he's not sick and doesn't have SBD. Some have mentioned his fins are too heavy..but they aren't that large imo.

I finally got a pretty good picture of him up close to get a look at his body and finnage.


and here's how he'll just hover sometimes.


Is this normal? Am I just being over-analitical of this problem? Or is there something causing this?

Personally, I don't think his hind section is strong enough. There are red veins that stand out (not literally mind you..just color-wise) that leads me to believe it has something to do with it. To me he just looks "frail".

Anyone have any ideas on this?
I don't know SRC. I've got some of my bettas that will do that too sometimes. Maybe it's a comfortable way for them to hang out B)
How old is he? My betta Dickey was 2nd hand a bit older when I got him, and even though he's very active, he does have huge heavy fins, so sometimes, especially near night or first thing in the morning, I'll see him "resting" in the plants or on the floor of the tank. I don't think its unusual or indicating bad health; bettas are pretty individualistic, and some are super active while others like to take it easy.
my bettas do weird things too

unless he seems to be struggling, i don't think you need to worry

Imagine having your hair 20 feet long and drag that all day, i think you could use a headrest to lean on once in a while :lol:

I've had a sick betta doing that and you could see he was sick, as soon as he'd stop moving, he would lean forward and he'd struggle back to his normal position...

HTH :)
I would say he is normal i have some that do that i have often wondered if they are looking for prey to fall on the surface, and thats a pounce position, so they looking for food......not lost any too illness that do it........ :D
My Rosetail often takes that same position, wedging himself between the tank glass and the sponge filter. If I approach the glass he comes to great me though (FOOD!!!). He is just resting I think.
lol Well I just thought I"d ask. Cas I have 9 + the 3 I help my friend with, and out of those 12 he is the only one who does this lol.

He's not that old...he was 4 months when I bought him, or atleast that's what he was advertised as.

I have hair that's almost 2 ' long lol...and yes it does get heavy. B) :rofl:

lol I swear, these fish and their quirky ways. :S :wub:
I'm telling you it's entirely normal. I have a delta tail (Ekaitz is his name) and he does that as well. I think it's just easier for him because his fins are so heavy.

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