Mostly New Member
Hi, hopefully someone can give me a clue what's going with my tank as I'm at a bit of a loss. The short version of the sorry story is:
50cm cube tropical tank with 3 honey gouramis, 6 zebra danios, 2 male guppies, 6 cory's and a plec (not sure what type but a small variety with white / blue spot markings). The tank has live plants, standard pea gravel and mapei wood and has been running for about a year.
Over the last few weeks I have lost 2 honey gouramis and my plec and the guppies don't look too happy with ragged fins and bloated bellies. When I lost the first gourami I checked my water and found ammonia, nitrate and nitrite all at 0 but ph at 6.0 or lower (API master kit so this is as low as it goes). I figured the wood was lowering the ph as it's always given the water a brown tinge so I removed it and bought some lava rock to replace it.
I have been doing a 25% water change every couple of days to try and raise the ph back to 7 ish but it won't budge even after 2 weeks. My tap water is about 7.2 and doesn't change when stood overnight. I also have another small tank with a betta in and the ph of this sits at 7.2 - 7.4 so don't think the tap water is at fault. I treat it with API stress coat before adding to the tank.
The only difference I have noticed in the last few days has been a bit of ammonia appearing about 0.25ppm on the test kit and some patches of brown algae on the glass which I have never had before.
I am going to separate the guppies and treat them for fin rot but I'm not sure what else to do.
Any ideas would be much appreciated?
50cm cube tropical tank with 3 honey gouramis, 6 zebra danios, 2 male guppies, 6 cory's and a plec (not sure what type but a small variety with white / blue spot markings). The tank has live plants, standard pea gravel and mapei wood and has been running for about a year.
Over the last few weeks I have lost 2 honey gouramis and my plec and the guppies don't look too happy with ragged fins and bloated bellies. When I lost the first gourami I checked my water and found ammonia, nitrate and nitrite all at 0 but ph at 6.0 or lower (API master kit so this is as low as it goes). I figured the wood was lowering the ph as it's always given the water a brown tinge so I removed it and bought some lava rock to replace it.
I have been doing a 25% water change every couple of days to try and raise the ph back to 7 ish but it won't budge even after 2 weeks. My tap water is about 7.2 and doesn't change when stood overnight. I also have another small tank with a betta in and the ph of this sits at 7.2 - 7.4 so don't think the tap water is at fault. I treat it with API stress coat before adding to the tank.
The only difference I have noticed in the last few days has been a bit of ammonia appearing about 0.25ppm on the test kit and some patches of brown algae on the glass which I have never had before.
I am going to separate the guppies and treat them for fin rot but I'm not sure what else to do.
Any ideas would be much appreciated?