Have had fish for 3 weeks now. 9 days ago I noticed an albino was not eating with the others and fat looking, set up hospital tank and treated with eSHa 2000 (all we could get) Next day Demasoni also moved. The albino was bloated, demasoni not so. Albino survived and the Demasoni did not.
Albino moved back to main tank after 3-4 days after treatment finished and doing well.
6 days after seeing the albino was sick. A demasoni is dead in the tank, also a yellow lab looking very sluggish. That was Wednesday, today (sat) a demasoni is near the surface and a little fat. Moved to hospital tank, also managed to net the yellow lab who was sitting at bottom if tank gasping.
Both being treated now with Octozin.
All readings are good apart from KH. Ammonia & Nitrite 0, Nitrate gets to about 20-30 before 50% weekly water change. KH is 6 tho' pH 8.1 and GH8.
I'm tempted to increase KH with bicarb soda? But I've been advised to leave it, so it's constant for the fish.
What's killing the fish? All look good but are dropping one by one!
Albino moved back to main tank after 3-4 days after treatment finished and doing well.
6 days after seeing the albino was sick. A demasoni is dead in the tank, also a yellow lab looking very sluggish. That was Wednesday, today (sat) a demasoni is near the surface and a little fat. Moved to hospital tank, also managed to net the yellow lab who was sitting at bottom if tank gasping.
Both being treated now with Octozin.
All readings are good apart from KH. Ammonia & Nitrite 0, Nitrate gets to about 20-30 before 50% weekly water change. KH is 6 tho' pH 8.1 and GH8.
I'm tempted to increase KH with bicarb soda? But I've been advised to leave it, so it's constant for the fish.
What's killing the fish? All look good but are dropping one by one!