Help. Johanni Dying?


New Member
Dec 27, 2005
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I have a new 55 gallons tank with 6 small cichlids. (all are about 1.5 inches). The tank has been running for about 4 weeks now. I have been doing 25% water change every week. Yesterday, I test the water and I saw about 1-2 ppm of ammonia, 0 nitrite, 0 nitrate. so I changed the water and add some amquel+ as I always do. I notice that one of the fish (johanni) was breathing heavily and throwing up the food I fed about half an hour earlier. Then about an hour later, I saw his anal( I think the fish is a male johanni, dark blue color) hole is getting larger. Today, there is a huge hole near/at his annal hole and he is not moving like usual. What is wrong with him? Is there anything I can do to save him? Thanks in advance.
Try Amquel by kordon, it is not widley available so you may have to search around
Ammonia and no nitrite is a bad thing as it probably means the filter is not working at all (biologically).

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