I've noticed the last couple of days that a couple of my fish are gasping a little, so I just checked the water parameters I found 1.2ppm ammonia, and 0.1ppm nitrite. This tank is relatively new, but has been at 0 for the last 2 weeks.
It is just over 50g with 2 rainbow cichlids, one eartheater, a bristlenose and a candy stripe pleco in, so it's not overstocked, and has been fine. I added the bristlenose on Saturday, but surely that alone would not cause such a big shift??
What can I do? I have added some ammo-lock, but don't know what to do with the nitrite?
Oh yeah, it has a Juwel standard filter running along with a Fluval 204 cannister filter.
EDIT: Sorry mods, should've posted this in the emergencies section. My mistake!!!!!
It is just over 50g with 2 rainbow cichlids, one eartheater, a bristlenose and a candy stripe pleco in, so it's not overstocked, and has been fine. I added the bristlenose on Saturday, but surely that alone would not cause such a big shift??
What can I do? I have added some ammo-lock, but don't know what to do with the nitrite?
Oh yeah, it has a Juwel standard filter running along with a Fluval 204 cannister filter.
EDIT: Sorry mods, should've posted this in the emergencies section. My mistake!!!!!