HELP. I've got Ammonia!!


Fish Herder
May 7, 2004
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I've noticed the last couple of days that a couple of my fish are gasping a little, so I just checked the water parameters I found 1.2ppm ammonia, and 0.1ppm nitrite. This tank is relatively new, but has been at 0 for the last 2 weeks.
It is just over 50g with 2 rainbow cichlids, one eartheater, a bristlenose and a candy stripe pleco in, so it's not overstocked, and has been fine. I added the bristlenose on Saturday, but surely that alone would not cause such a big shift??
What can I do? I have added some ammo-lock, but don't know what to do with the nitrite?
Oh yeah, it has a Juwel standard filter running along with a Fluval 204 cannister filter.

EDIT: Sorry mods, should've posted this in the emergencies section. My mistake!!!!!
The Rasie of ammonia and nitrite was most likely you adding the new fish to the tank....nothing to really worry about just do 20% water changes everyday or everyother day and soon the amonia and nitrite will go back to zero. :)

Just make sure its just water changes and dont vac. the gravel...vac after the readings return back to normal. :D
First question would be did you cycle the tank? If not (you said it was relatively new) chances are that'd be the cause of your ammonia.

As for what you can do, I'd recommend a water change before adding chemicals like Ammo-Lock.

Of course, this is just my opinion and fish-keeping seems to vary quite a bit (I have a hard time getting any two sources to agree on anything lately...*grr*). Check to see what other people say. :) And Good Luck!!
You probably added your fish a little early and your tank is not cycled yet, as ahmed said kepp doing water changes daily and only feed them every two days this will cut down on fish excretions.
yup, was definately cycled. but would a bristlenose really cause that much of a jump??
Its sure can....Plecos are alittle more dirtier than a regular fish so its easir for them to cause spikes. :)

Just do those water changes and see how the readings turn out after a week. :nod:

Keep us updated!! :D
No probs. I'll change the water now, and let you know how it goes in a week or so!!! Cheers mate!!
Just did a 50% change and now have 0 ammonia and nitrite :D . I'll keep an eye on t over the next week or so though. Thanks for all your help guys
As for what you can do, I'd recommend a water change before adding chemicals like Ammo-Lock.

Thats a bad chemical, it gives false readings.
wrs said:
As for what you can do, I'd recommend a water change before adding chemicals like Ammo-Lock.

Thats a bad chemical, it gives false readings.
I agree there is nothing to substitute true reading, that you get from good maintenance, patience, :D and water changes!
don't worry. I'll keep up the water changes, and keep a close eye on the tank until I'm sure it has settled again.
Thanks for all your help.

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