Help Is She Sick!

Well all cory fry are now gone. They all died. I think my guppy fry stressed them out because my guppy fry kept attacking them. Heres hoping the adults spawn again.

Well all cory fry are now gone. They all died. I think my guppy fry stressed them out because my guppy fry kept attacking them. Heres hoping the adults spawn again.

sorry to hear that.... :(

is your tank planted or does it have any ornaments? as corys can hide eggs very well sometimes. i found fry in my filter and didnt even know they had spawned...... :crazy:
It has DIY fabric plants and one or two real plants but i check them everyday because i know that corys can hide eggs very well. I don't take everything out, just move it and turn it so i can see it. Will baby corys hide at the top of the water if they have to? If they will then i think i found some hiding at the top today. I found alot of little tiny fish smaller than guppy fry but the right size for cory fry. I caught them and put them in my fry tank and they went straight to the bottom and looked like they were sifting through the sand. I found them near the top of the filter. I also have some good news that's not related to this topic.......... My biggest guppy dropped her second batch of fry exactly 24 days after her first. I found her yesterday in the middle of dropping. She is about 1.5", my other female is about 1.2" so just a little bit smaller and my male is about 1" so the smallest fish in the tank.

It has DIY fabric plants and one or two real plants but i check them everyday because i know that corys can hide eggs very well. I don't take everything out, just move it and turn it so i can see it. Will baby corys hide at the top of the water if they have to? If they will then i think i found some hiding at the top today. I found alot of little tiny fish smaller than guppy fry but the right size for cory fry. I caught them and put them in my fry tank and they went straight to the bottom and looked like they were sifting through the sand. I found them near the top of the filter. I also have some good news that's not related to this topic.......... My biggest guppy dropped her second batch of fry exactly 24 days after her first. I found her yesterday in the middle of dropping. She is about 1.5", my other female is about 1.2" so just a little bit smaller and my male is about 1" so the smallest fish in the tank.

without pics of the fry only you can tell... ive never known cory fry to be at the surface before though!
Well it was sort of on top of the top of the filter, if that makes any sense. So they were basically resting on top of the filter.

They are guppy fry :sad:
I was hoping they had spawned and some of the fry had survived but they hadn't. My female is still as fat and ever and the male won't leave her side but there is no eggs.

If your tank would take it i would get a few more corys,they interact better when theres more of them :good:
I was thinking of adding more but i don't know when my mum will be able to get me some more.

Should i do a cold water change to get them thinking it's the rainy season? I haven't done a W/C for about a week and they haven't had a gravel vac for abit longer.

I would do a gravel vac,these are important to keep the water quality good and no nasty build ups,plus it reduces the risk of the cories getting any infections in the barbels...
I did a gravel vac last night and replaced the water with cold water.

I will update her progress because i am getting some myxazin tomorrow. Can corys survive temps up to 30 degrees celcius if they need to? One of my guppies has ich so i will need to treat for that with the myxazin and (if corys will survive it) raise the temp.

they will be fine for short periods at 30oC :good: dont forget to lower it again afterwards......
maybe im missing it but what size of tank do you have and what filter? as your saying the poop builds up during a day..
It's a 2ft 12 gallon tank with a fluval 2 plus.

Missy x.

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