help is my starfish dead


New Member
Jul 12, 2005
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northampton uk
I brought a blue linikia starfish yesterday morning, i put it in the tank in the bag it came in for about 25 mins then gradually added a few drops of water every 5 minuetes for just over 3 hours. in all this time the starfish did not move. when i put it in the tank it went to the bottom but did not move.
i saw a few of its feet seem to move underneath it but not sure if this could have been the water movement.
I soon noticed 2 of the 5 rays had some sort of holes in the end of them with like white fluff hanging from them.
checked all test and all is ok in the tank
it has now not moved for about 20 hours.
How do i know if it is dead
thanks in advanc

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