New Member
Hi, I'm new to fishkeeping and have been loving it, however I am worried about one of my Corys. I have 3 in a 57 litre (12.5g) tank along with 6 neon tetras, 4 danios and a dwarf gouramis. A few weeks ago the smallest Cory disappeared and I couldn't find him. A few days later I found him stuck in decor, so I got him out and held him close to the surface so he would get some air. He seemed to recover but in the last few days I've been finding him on his side looking dead so maybe not. I put my hand in and when it nearly touches him, he swims a little bit very slowly, but I'm worried because he doesn't seem to be eating at all. Is it worth getting a quarentine tank or should I just leave him? Thank you in advance