Help Id This Beautiful Cory!

give the fish a few weeks to "fatten up" and then check again for sex. sometimes the store fish are rather slim either way until given good conditions and good food..
have to agree with hughessomefish....just googled emerald cory and ones that look JUST like my guy have far h/she has not fattened up just seems to be trying to get out of the glass?! any idea on this one??
have to agree with hughessomefish....just googled emerald cory and ones that look JUST like my guy have far h/she has not fattened up just seems to be trying to get out of the glass?! any idea on this one??

It's definitley a brochis splenden. may well just need company so therfore been a bit skittish. I would add a few more to the group and he/she should start to calm down after a while.
well i would but waiting on lfs to get some more, there is anouther cory in there! mind you h/she is a albino does this matter?
well i would but waiting on lfs to get some more, there is anouther cory in there! mind you h/she is a albino does this matter?

Ive found certain species tend to 'hang' about with each other but mostly would stick to there own kind, 1 other cory in there wouldn't suffice either way, groups of 4+ with 6+ been better would be advised to make them feel much more comfortable and alot happier.

As far as im aware brochis aren't actually a cory, they are part of the 'family' but are actually a sub species all of there own. I'm not sure if this would make them less likely to actually interact with normal cory species.

Someone like coryologist or coryman would be much better suited to answer that.
ok, well just went to pets at home...was going to get one untill i saw the parasite on its back!!! ive never seen anything like it? was about 5mm in size (round) and white in colour and moved with tiny little legs! no idea what it was...either way it soon put me of lol will go into my lfs tomoz and see if i can get some...hoping he has some in stock....

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