Help - Getting My First Baby Bristlenoses On Tue

Try blanched spinach - my B/ns go mental for it
You can buy a bag of the frozen stuff for next to nothing - weigh it down with aquarium lead or anything stainless. I wouldn't be suprised if all your B/ns show themselves when they sniff it in the water :good:
Thanks everyone for you advice and suggestions. Still no sign of the baby bristles, hope they are OK
1. I put a big piece of wood 1ft long for them to hide under
2. babies are about 1inch long, too big to be sucked up into filter
3. frozen spinach -do you serveit frozen or boil/microwave it first? How do you keep it down, wont it disintegrate once it's in the water?
Hi fishnovice :)

You might want to try feeding them zucchini. I prepare it by buying small ones (fewer seeds) and slicing it into rounds. Then I lay them out on a cookie sheet and freeze them. When they have frozen I put them into a freezer container with layers of waxed paper between them. A few minutes in warm water defrosts them before I add them to the tank. I use plant weights to sink them or a plastic clip with a suction cup to fasten them to the side of the tank. The freezing helps to break the fiber down and causes no loss of nutrition like blanching does. It also lets me prepare a whole batch at one time which is handy.

Here are a bunch of young ones eating the zucchini.

Great idea, I'll freeeze som tomorrow.
Just spotted one of the albino babies crawling up tank side so I guess they are still alive and hiding. What A RELIEF!

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