Fish Fanatic
I have had to move house last week, the tank was drained for around 20 mins and the refilled using a declorinator. The fish were suffering with white spot before the move and still are now. In the last 2 days I have lost 2 fish (clown loach and guppy). Today the fish are looking really worn out and tyered and are sitting around on the floor and in plants, my remaining clown loach looks likes hes on his last legs. also my sharks have been swiming against the side of the tank for 4 days now. I have tested the water - ammonia 0 - nitrite 0 - nitrate 5 - ph 8. also did a 10% wate change this morning.
The only things I can put it down to is the white spot because the guppys, hoplosternum and barb seem fine?
The stress of the move has upset some fish more than others?
The declorinator I used?
Can anyone shed some light
The only things I can put it down to is the white spot because the guppys, hoplosternum and barb seem fine?
The stress of the move has upset some fish more than others?
The declorinator I used?
Can anyone shed some light