Help, fish very unhappy


Fish Fanatic
Feb 24, 2004
Reaction score
Hertfordshire, UK
I have had to move house last week, the tank was drained for around 20 mins and the refilled using a declorinator. The fish were suffering with white spot before the move and still are now. In the last 2 days I have lost 2 fish (clown loach and guppy). Today the fish are looking really worn out and tyered and are sitting around on the floor and in plants, my remaining clown loach looks likes hes on his last legs. also my sharks have been swiming against the side of the tank for 4 days now. I have tested the water - ammonia 0 - nitrite 0 - nitrate 5 - ph 8. also did a 10% wate change this morning.
The only things I can put it down to is the white spot because the guppys, hoplosternum and barb seem fine?
The stress of the move has upset some fish more than others?
The declorinator I used?

Can anyone shed some light
Thanks for everybodys help!

My last clown loach has died, one of my redhumps dont look like its going to make it through the night and one of the sharks has what looks like a film over its head and eyes.

Looks like its all going wrong
:crazy: I can smell you from here!
:lol: Just kidding! :lol:
Sorry no one answered sooner... I'm sorry for your losses :byebye:
The stress of the move plus the white spots are probably what killed them, yup. The guppies seem to be less affected by the spots and moving. I know because I still have some thats been through heck. Personally I've never had a dechlorinator hurt my fish, but tht doesn't mean it doesn't happen! are your fish gasping for air, are there gills tinted red, or rubbing? If you think they are really stressed out try leaving the lights out for a little while. Are you treating the tank for the spots???

what do you mean by a white film I dont know if you are talking about Ich or white film????If it is ich you need to turn up your heater to 85 degrees and add some salt if your fish is scaless do not add any salt. 85 degrees is higher enough to kill off ich without any medicines at all. Please let me know what you are talking about with the film.
Its Sunday!!!!
You posted Early in the morning.
Its not anyones job to be here the moment you have an emergency.
This is a support group not an Emergency ward.

They were sick before the move.
The move is stressfull. Fish are very suseptable to desiese death and other nasty stuff when stressed.
A bad thing got worse with the move.

I suspect the temp changed a bit durring the move as well.

Be more respectful PLZ
Brattina88 said:
:crazy: I can smell you from here!
:lol: Just kidding! :lol:
Sorry no one answered sooner... I'm sorry for your losses :byebye:
The stress of the move plus the white spots are probably what killed them, yup. The guppies seem to be less affected by the spots and moving. I know because I still have some thats been through heck. Personally I've never had a dechlorinator hurt my fish, but tht doesn't mean it doesn't happen! are your fish gasping for air, are there gills tinted red, or rubbing? If you think they are really stressed out try leaving the lights out for a little while. Are you treating the tank for the spots???

I am treating for spots, I had the temp turned up but my heater was cracked! Ive put an old one in for the mo but its only 100w so it wont go above 82f, I am running a interpet itc treatment.

The shark also has like a film over its eyes and head??

Tanks for your replie
snowyangel said:
You said your ph is 8?!! Thats very high and will cause possible burns and suffocation to your fish. Do daily 15% water changes till you can get aorund the 6.9-7.2 pH ranges. Also increase your aeration to help your fish.
I have a juwel air ventri thingy so theres plenty of oxegen in the water. My tap water is 8ph, so i dont know what to do about that, everyone has told me not to play with it and just leave it be.
Iam going to get a couple of bits of bogwood in the week, i think thats ment to help?
Hi Robbie,
For myself, I never know what to do with the emergencies... I'm not that experienced with trouble tanks - been SUPER lucky. Posting a "sorry for your troubles" or even offering ideas and having them "shot down for being wrong" keeps me from answering most times. But I am sorry that you are having trouble, is it possible that with the move you went from a lower ph to the current 8 ph? That would be my first suggestion - that would be adding extra stress. I want to offer assistance but I usually go with less is better ie - temp increase and melafix, but I hate a medicine soup and u are already using an ich med. Best of luck my friend.

thats very true on the sharks and you are right messing with the ph is the worse thing you can do. I assume you live in UK where you can buy Maracyn that medicine is the best for film over the eyes i dont know what is there for you to buy. Mabey some melifix I sure dont know what to tell you to do on that part.
Sorry for the troubles. Everything said here jives with what I know.

Ich can be difficult to treat in a large tank. I didn't have any luck with mine until I bought a hospital tank of 10 gallons. I transferred them there, gradually (over a couple of days) cranked up the water temp to 85 and started the salt baths. You may already know, but the increased temp accelerates the life cycle of the paracite which allows you to kill it with medication during its only vulterable stage, free floating. Once attached to the fish, it burrows in and cannot be reached with meds.

As far as the salt treatment is concerned, please remember if you have any scaleless fish, do not use this, as it will make them very unhappy. One book I have suggests one teaspoon of salt (not iodized) for each gallon of water. Add the same amount that night and twice the next day (am and pm). If you see no improvements by the third or fourth day, add one more teaspoon of salt each day. On the ninth and tenth days, make progressive water changes and check for results. Personally, this seemed like an awful lot of salt, so I cut it in half and omitted the fourth addition. The fish were a bit distressed at first, but seemed to adjust. Also, I mixed the salt with water thoroughly before adding.

One other thing, if you have no fish in your original tank, crank the heater to the upper 80s and the ich will die within 48 hours of hatching because they cannot find a host. By the third day, it should be ich free.

I hope I have not misled you...I am sure I will be corrected if I did. :rolleyes:

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