Help! Fish Keep Dying!

the_lock_man said:
Are you still using the paper strips?
Unfortunately, I haven't had a chance to pick up the liquid test kit...but I will probably order it and it should come by the 11th or 12th.
I'd do daily water changes of 25% or so until then, just to be safe... regardless of the test strip reading.  (I don't trust them at all!)
eaglesaquarium said:
I'd do daily water changes of 25% or so until then, just to be safe... regardless of the test strip reading.  (I don't trust them at all!)
All right...sounds good.
No fish died last night, either, except for a tiny Neon Tetra that got caught in the filter.  
 But the others are up and going strong!
He probably got caught in the filter because he was weakened by the poison in the water.  Healthy fish don't get caught up by the filter.
I tested my water today with the paper strips, and as far as I can tell with the paper the ammonia is between .1 and .2 ppm.  I did a water change and added some of TopFin's Ammonia Remover.  I've heard that it doesn't work too well, but it never hurts to try...
You are going to need some ammonia to feed the bacteria which form the backbone of the cycle. more fish died tonight either...BUT one of the Long Fin Red Minor Tetras looks like he's missing half of his tail. It looks like he caught it on something. Well anyway, the other fish are acting a little aggressive toward him now so I isolated him in a 10 gallon. Stress Coat, Aquarium Salt, might use Melafix if he isn't looking good pretty soon. He's eating and swimming well, so I have hope...
CoryLover95 said:
I went to PetSmart today, and they said that fish losses are normal...and that it would take a while for my tank to become stable.  Is that true?
I think that tells you all you need to know about some fish stores

Deaths might be 'normal' but there normal because of the bad advice given by stores such as themselves and it certainly shouldn't be normal.

Listen to the people on here and you'll give yourself the best chance of saving the remaining fish

Remember the fish store benefit from your fish dying as you go back and buy more - no one on here benefits.
CoryLover95 said: more fish died tonight either...BUT one of the Long Fin Red Minor Tetras looks like he's missing half of his tail. It looks like he caught it on something. Well anyway, the other fish are acting a little aggressive toward him now so I isolated him in a 10 gallon. Stress Coat, Aquarium Salt, might use Melafix if he isn't looking good pretty soon. He's eating and swimming well, so I have hope...
I understand that you want to treat the fish but I would say adding all the medication before you have fully cycled might make for more issues.
I would read the beginners guide and make sure you understand it, then go through the cycle (water changes etc). Don't be tempted to add more fish when these die off until your cycled and definitley get a liquid test kit, the strips are not worth the money! Good luck x
Thanks everyone...
The fish in the community tank have officially stopped dying and are all doing great (in fact, I think one of them is pregnant.).  angel308, I isolated the sick Tetra before adding the medication to his water.  Unfortunately he didn't make it (losing huge chunks of his tail at a time) and I see no symptoms of the same thing in the other fish.
No more fish dying either right now.  I guess this topic is closed, unless I bring it back to life if they start dying again.
API test kit on the way, plants flourishing, fish active and several are pregnant, everything doing great!
Thanks for your help, everyone!

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