Help fish all dying ..

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Fish Crazy
Apr 19, 2020
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Had 1 neon tetra dead when I came home and 2 cories acting strange . Found a new neon tetra dead on Wednesday. It was stuck to my filter and had started to go black . Had just done a small water change before I found it .so I tested my water and it read 0 0 on nitrates . So done a 50 percent water change earlier and since then 2 more neons have suddenly died and a corie . And 2 more cories swimming eradicly.... what is the red on there gills . All advice welcome please


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Had 1 neon tetra dead when I came home and 2 cories acting strange . Found a new neon tetra dead on Wednesday. It was stuck to my filter and had started to go black . Had just done a small water change before I found it .so I tested my water and it read 0 0 on nitrates . So done a 50 percent water change earlier and since then 2 more neons have suddenly died and a corie . And 2 more cories swimming eradicly.... what is the red on there gills . All advice welcome please
That looks like ammonia burns. What are your parameters?
can you post some pictures and a video of the remaining fish in the tank?

are any of them rubbing on objects in the tank?
do any of them have cream, white or grey patches on their body?
are they breathing heavily?
can you post some pictures and a video of the remaining fish in the tank?

are any of them rubbing on objects in the tank?
do any of them have cream, white or grey patches on their body?
are they breathing heavily?
Cant get videos uploaded. Cant see any patches. The small cories are just lying there .they take an odd burst and swim and tumble. The big cories seem to be gasping . The rest of the neons look ok. No2 and n03 at 0. Ph 7.5 and gh and kh at 120.


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i can’t tell by the neon pics but they look swollen. If a fish dies due to being swollen as if they were pregnant, it could be a disease called droppsy. I had an episode with that many years ago. You can bring it to your tank from a newly purchased fish carrying the disease. Good luck
i can’t tell by the neon pics but they look swollen. If a fish dies due to being swollen as if they were pregnant, it could be a disease called droppsy. I had an episode with that many years ago. You can bring it to your tank from a newly purchased fish carrying the disease. Good luck
They were all going great until I added 5 small neons on sunday : - (
Have you done a water change?
I'd do an 80% change, just in case something has contaminated the tank. Also double check the temperature and the heater, and is there plenty of surface disturbance?

Any chance someone sprayed some air freshener or cleaning chemicals while you weren't there?
Have you done a water change?
I'd do an 80% change, just in case something has contaminated the tank. Also double check the temperature and the heater, and is there plenty of surface disturbance?

Any chance someone sprayed some air freshener or cleaning chemicals while you weren't there?
I did a 50 percent and the 2 neons died straight after . So I'm a bit reluctant to disturb them again No the mrs said she wasn't near it . Temperature seems good . And plenty of surface disturbance. Some of them have seemed to have revived a bit now ,just one corie swimming and tumbling . The rest seem ok . I'm hoping the water change and I rinsed out the filter in removed water has helped . It just took a few hours to take effect . But I've lost 5 neons and 4 cories . I hope the rest will be ok . So annoying and sad ...
Yeah, it’s frustrating when things like this happen because hind sight is always 20 20. I would say moving forward maybe do not go back to that fish store or quarantine anything you buy from there before putting it in your tank. As of right now the only thing I know to recommend is a heavy water change, followed by some smaller ones consistently and some salt.
Yeah, it’s frustrating when things like this happen because hind sight is always 20 20. I would say moving forward maybe do not go back to that fish store or quarantine anything you buy from there before putting it in your tank. As of right now the only thing I know to recommend is a heavy water change, followed by some smaller ones consistently and some salt.
Thanks . Yes I'll keep changing it for the next few days . Strange I have 2 guppies and a swordtail in there and it had no effect on them at all ,just the neons and cories. I'm only in the hobby from march . Have heard about quarantine but never done it . Dont have a spare setup to do it . Never had anything like this happen before
I'm so sorry too, it's so sad. Wish I had a clue what was happening and could help, but I can only offer condolences this time :(
Have heard about quarantine but never done it . Dont have a spare setup to do it . Never had anything like this happen before

It would be worth getting a little tank for quarantine. Just a cheap second hand ten gallon would do since you have small fish. Cheap little heater, and a cheap basic sponge filter, can use an ordinary lamp for light. Seems like a lot of extra equipment, but you never know when a heater or filter will break (my first heater died in the middle of the night in winter.. not ideal!) so having a 'spare' is always a good idea. You can run the sponge filter on your main tank when it's not in use, so it can be cycled and ready when you need it, or you could use a basic HOB filter for the quarantine and transfer some of your main filter media into it. All this so you don't have to have the quarantine tank up and running at all times, but you can set it up quickly as a hospital tank, in an emergency, or when you're planning to get new fish.

Especially since you have livebearers. Livebearers are often infected with roundworms and flatworms from being mass produced in huge fish farms and exposed to all sorts of things, and it's much easier to medicate them in a ten gal quarantine tank, than have them spread that to your main tank and having to treat the whole display tank, or have new fish bring in an illness that wipes out your main tank, as you've sadly just experienced. :(

Plastic storage totes can be used too, I personally don't suggest them for quarantine purposes though since you want to be examining the fish every day from every angle, looking for any signs of problems, and it's harder to see them clearly through a plastic tub.

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