It could well (sic) be that your thoughts on the well water are way out. Remember the quality of the river water, and hence a knock-on effect to the water in the natural water table is at best questionable over in the USA. There have been so many quality limitations lifted by Trump's EPA demands. Water quality is falling. The rivers are getting all sorts of chemical residue in them, perhaps with things that don't immediately show on the normal testing we do. remember Erin Brokavich?
Could you perhaps buy bottles water and give that a try. Buy the one that has the least cost such as I do at my local store at 17p per 2 litre bottle, and that has a PH of roughly the amount you need. I need the reverse to your requirement. I want the lowest PH I can get for my chili rasboras.
Most inexpensive bottled water is around 7.8 which should be fine. If you need higher then adding a limestone rock may give it the necessary adjustment.
There's also one more potential problem from using well water. It could have all sorts of microscopic $hit in it. Anything from micro-organisms hard to see but dangerous to fish to even a dead rat that has fallen in and drowned.
Give it a try with bottled and see how they get on with that BUT if I were you I wouldn't be keen on drinking the well water.
As a final thought, if you can't get bottled water easily you may be better trying to boil the well water before using it. And letting it cool though, as if you need to be told......