Help...first Time Going Have Ich!

Nope sand is no good. It doesnt offer you the buffering ability that aragonite does. Aragonite is made up of tiny coral fragments so it keeps the water chemistry right. Sand is usually made up of the rocks that are in the locality of the place it was collected. :*)

Okay....I'll switch to argonite as soon as possible.....testing tap water now...


IMO if you are going to invest a load of money in your Reef & want it looking best - Get an RO Unit
Just to keep you all updated....I've begun feeding the fish more, and that seems to have made the ich spots on my cowfish lessen..Purhaps I wasn't feeding them enough to keep up a good immunity?

Going today to get some argonite, (hubby hated the gravel anway...sheesh, now he tells me!!! :lol: )
as well as looking for protien skimmers....I'm sure the RO Unit will come later....

Will keep you posted!


Sera-Tuki :)
Just to clarify things.. are you referring to a cowfish or a clownfish? Wasnt sure if it was a typo. If you have a cowfish then be careful, these fish grow enormous and will release toxins that nuke a tank if they are stressed.

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