Help Find Variations Of Bettas In South Africa

Eishwena!!! Mr venter. It does make me feel like an amateur. But i really like the crown tail betta but am content with my 'normal' betta using term normal loosely. Products are headaches down here in cape town not helpful though. Like Bettafin the owner of a pet store in ct lukd at me blankly when i ask for it.
Eishwena!!! Mr venter. It does make me feel like an amateur. But i really like the crown tail betta but am content with my 'normal' betta using term normal loosely. Products are headaches down here in cape town not helpful though. Like Bettafin the owner of a pet store in ct lukd at me blankly when i ask for it.

Yes!! Welcome to S.A. (gatkant van die wereld) You lot in Cape Town are a lot more luckier than we here in the Limpopo Province........ (ek kry net mooi niks vis hier nie) I honestly consider giving up completely due to total inavailability of breeding stocks, let alone Bettas... Pretoria en Johannesburg is 300km van my af en ek het net 1 petshop met 7 tanks hier op my dorp.

Try 'Shorty in Johannesburg at "Rainbow pets".... He packs and transports to all cities with airports......I believe he'll be in the "Yellow pages".
Ah, you 2 might be the only from SA around here, but Dutch is simply too much like it for me to not understand what you're on about. Not really that surprising, considering Afrikaans was considered a Dutch dialect until the late 19th century. Apart from the 'Eishwena' and "Inni wena funna" I understood what you said. Let me type out what you just said in Dutch, I'm sure you'll see the similarity. Must admit some of the Dutch is broken Dutch and not proper grammar, but kept this way so the similarity is more obvious. As for Vis, I laughed when I saw his name on here first ... couldn't believe a nickname that seems so simple to me wasn't taken yet until he showed up!

gatkant van die wereld - achterkant van de wereld (combo of gatkant & agterend)
ek kry net mooi niks vis hier nie - ik krijg geen mooie vis hier niet (better grammar: ik krijg hier geen mooie vis)
Pretoria en Johannesburg is 300km van my af en ek het net 1 petshop met 7 tanks hier op my dorp - Pretoria en Johannesburg zijn 300km van mij af ( - better grammar - bij mij vandaan) en ik heb net 1 petshop (dierenwinkel) met 7 aquariums hier in my dorp.

You see, you 2 might be the only ones around from SA ... but I can spy on you anyway ;)

There you go ... that's the end of my completely off-topic post =P
Erised!!..... You are spoton and congats!! So we are not exactly hiding anything, but just a little bit of jargon.......
Dude, sorry i still can hardly understand. But i guess most of the other people covered what you wanted, in the mean time go get some grammar classes. Also, in your signature area it says your planning on using a 1 gal. for spawning grounds..what kind?
Bad news! My 1 gallon tank sprang a leak during the night and my 22litre tank is not ready yet so im buying a tank this morning. The 1 gallon tank was the medical tank :-( . Crappy happening if ther eva was 1.

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