Help figuring out a tank....

Well, I have to buy at least one fish tomorrow when I go to swap at Zamzows (requirement for the swap). I thought I would pick up one or two plants while I was there along with the test kit.

Is fine gravel or sand a requirement of Plants? Or are they okay planted into the medium gravel?

I'm trying to decide what I want and am going to stick with, that's why I'm asking so many questions. :fun:

I'm even plugging my digital camera back in so I can take pics. My dad is going to come by tomorrow w/ saw, drill, etc... so we can build a stand. (I have it on a filing cabinet right now. Luckily it's a big filing cabinet.) :)
The general rule for gravel is around 2 inches at the bottom. therefore you seem to have far less gravel than you should.

hmmm why is the general rule 2 inches? Gravel is not a REQUIRED thing for fish (well with the exception of a few) it is more an aesthetically pleasing thing, bacteria can form on any surface and most of this is in your filter, now not to say that gravel doesn't help with bacteria growth, and many plants need gravel, but since he doesn't have a planted tank (yet) where does this "rule" come from? I have a 20g with about 1/2" of gravel in it and I think it looks great, is a lot easier to clean, and non of my fish or my cycling is suffering. just wanted to know your reasoning behind the "2 inch rule".
I personally don't care if the rule is two inches, at 4 bucks a pop for a bag of gravel, I've spent 12 dollars just getting an almost an inch worth of gravel at the bottom of my tank, and that's just enough so you don't see the glass. For the price of three more bags I could almost buy a pair of rams, or get six more guppies, or another pictus, or four cories....... or almost 46 ghost shrimp!!!!

Rant over.

I'd definitely go for live plants if you can, even just some java moss is nice, esp. if you have fry.

What are you going to do with all the fry you get from guppies or mollies or whatever liverbearers you might get?
Well, that part I haven't figured out yet. I also haven't figured out what plants to buy.

Let me put it this way. I have another $50 to drop into this tank this month (aside from hood, that was already figured out elsewhere and I think that is my heat problem).

The gravel isn't an issue. Already on it's way. Yes, I did the petco thing before I read up here. :(:(

Won't be buying from them again.

I recieved the tank for free and I think I've spent more money outfitting it than a kit would have cost............ :huh:
You need not adhere to the "rule". It's just something that fishkeepers abide by. You need not have a substrate at all, but it makes the tank more appealing to us and the fish.
Well, I do want plants. I just haven't figured out what would be best for the tank.....

most fish don't eat plants; guppies may have a nibble but they it shouldnt be too much of a problem. just don't get any fish called "silver dolalrs" or your palnts will disappear before you now it. ;)

one of the most important things to consider when buying plants is lighting. how many watts is your tank light?
I believe that 2" of gravel is recommend if you intend to use rooting-plants. Otherwise whatever makes you happy. Besides which a recommendation is not a rule!
I only have about an inch of substrate in all of my tanks with substate, and I have rooting plants. They've always seemed fine to me!
Okay, went to petsmart today. :)

I have 4 mail guppies I need to get rid of, not sure what to do with them. :(

But, I have some new stuff. :)

Variegated Acorus
Micro Sword
Amazon Sword
Green Mondo Grass

3 Pair Guppies (they wouldn't sell just females. :( But they are much better than zamzows or walmart).

7 dannyo

Tubifer worms (food)

Then the baby hideout I ordered arrived today.

I sure am wishing for the gravel now though. :(

Oh, forgot to mention.

PH = 7.5
Amonio = 0
Nitrite = between 0 and .25

Nitrate was just over 0

Most reactions
