Help Decorating New Tank!


Fish Fanatic
Dec 24, 2009
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Hi All,

My New Juwel 180 Aquarium and Cabinet should be coming soon from, it comes with 2 x 45watt light tubes, Bio Compact filter including pump set 600 and filter media, 200watt Heater, Free aquarium backing and Free 25kg gravel.

The type of decorations i am looking for is natural stone with real plants, the questions i have are..

1. Is it worth purchasing sand as a substrate or shall i just keep the free gravel?

2. What sort of rocks would you recommend, I have been thinking maybe some slate and granite to make some little hiding places, or maybe even a terracotta pot cut in half?, would these effect the water condition?

3. What sort of plants shall i use? i don't want to overplant the tank but i want the fish to be happy, Also i have never used live plants?

4. I want to get some sort of airation to the tank but am not completely sure what to get, there is such a large range of air pumps what one do you think would suit my setup? should i go with air stone? or one of those submerged pumps that you run a tube out of the tank?

Oh and the fish i will have in the tank are, 6 x black neon tetra's, 12 x neon tetra's, 6 x cherry barbs, 6 x peppered cory's, 2 x zebra danio's and 1 bulldog plec.

Hope you guys can help, I have been searching the net loads for what to get and must admit get a bit confused :D
Hi there and welcome to our beginners forum,

All decorative rocks or rock-like things should be given a quick vinegar test. If it fizzes then you'd be concerned that the object would raise your mineral content and pH.

Please be aware that the hardware you're getting is just a "kit" with a set of starting things that a knowledgeable hobbyist can use to prepare the tank and prepare the "biofilter" which must be fully working before the tank can support fish. It can take up to 2 months or a little more to create a biofilter and this often comes as quite a shock to beginners who are anticipating getting their fish much sooner. The local fish shop (LFS) has often also (incorrectly) told them its fine to get fish, but this is a big mistake. Take a look around and try to read many of the threads here by other beginners, you'll see that many are working on their "fishless cycle" to prepare the biofilter in their new tanks. Its actually quite fascinating and a great learning experience that helps to tie together the time during which you learn a lot of other beginner things too!

Your homework is to begin by reading 3 articles in the Beginners Resource Center: The Nitrogen Cycle, The Fishless Cycle and The Fish-In Cycle. There are more good startup articles there but that will get you started. Don't worry if it doesn't make complete sense yet, you'll re-read them again later as it gets more familiar. The members are great and will help you along as they do for everybody!

Hello and welcome to the fish madhouse. its great here with loads of people who know this business inside and out. They've become your best mates where your aquarium is concerned as there are many a variety of experience here.
I'm Jayne, and I am just starting too, with 2 tanks ( glutton for punishment) going through the " fishless cycle"... this is the method used to aim to get your filter growing the bacteria needed to happily dispose of any "waste" your fish produce, without killing themselves in the process. Its a longish road but its worth it if you dont want to be continuously killing your pretty fish.....don't line the pockets of the lfs ( loal fish store) who will gladly sell you more fish every time the last batch you bought goes belly up....they make money from it after all. fish in cycles are hard work and cruel.
I'm sure you'll figure out the routines. You need to think what you want to achieve.
I have one "plastic" tank ( plastic decorations)

and a live plant tank

which at present is causing confusion, as the plants keep dying and I've realised I probably bit off more than I can chew, and will have to turn it into a "plastic" tank too, until I gain enough experience to have a planted tank.

anyway, welcome once again, good luck with your adventure, and enjoy! x
As far as sand and gravel go, choose what you like and go with it. Though sand may require a little cleaning at first to remove dust and a little more weekly maintenance. If you can get the appropriate whisper airpump (blue looking things) they are so quite you cant hear them and they are reliable and add your choose of stone or wand to it. Slate, granite and terracotta are all fine for tanks and wont effect your levels.
As far as your sand question goes many of use on here use play sand which is really cheap. You can get it at toysRus or a hardware store like lowes. I get mine for $4 something for a 50 pound bag they have white or brown. :good:
I see a lot of people with sand. I think the look is really neat!

Sorta off topic, does one clean the sand though? Wouldn't vaccuming it cause the sand to be sucked up too? That's my only concern with sand.
You just need to keep the tube further from the sand! I had a go at this for the first time recently and got the hang of it relatively quickly. I think it helps if the cleaner has a long wide tube - wide because it slows down the flow, and long because it gives you a second or two of visual feedback that you have got too close and the sand is being sucked up...
Thanks for all the replies guys, I forgot to say that i already have a fully cycled 48liter lank that i am planning on useing the pump and therefore the cycled media from, I should have stated that in my original post, sorry :D oh and thanks for the welcomes.

On another note, Would it be worth me not putting any plants in and only having rock or do you think i should have a few small plants for the fish to hide in?
If you're getting bottom dwellers,i would go for sand everytime,argos do bags for £2.99. :)

I would add plants to give fish somewhere to hide,especially for the neons,and it gives them security,cherry barbs can be a bit nippy.
Ok thanks to your guys advise i have now chosen.........................wait for it.........................SAND! :D (seems like the logical substrate and i think it looks nicer).

When it comes to plants, What plants should i start off with and how would i go about bedding them in the sand? do i need to use some under soil?
So could i use sand like this, I assume i would have to clean it first to get rid of all the dust?

Also any idea where in the UK i could get rocks for the aquairium?
So could i use sand like this, I assume i would have to clean it first to get rid of all the dust?

That's the sand I used, it takes some cleaning but it looks great.

You can get rocks from any LFS usually.
Ok thanks to your guys advise i have now chosen.........................wait for it.........................SAND! :D (seems like the logical substrate and i think it looks nicer).

When it comes to plants, What plants should i start off with and how would i go about bedding them in the sand? do i need to use some under soil?

People recommend 100% clay cat litter, i bought 15 kg from pets at home for less than £5. Havent used it yet, im just upgrading to sand
So could i use sand like this, I assume i would have to clean it first to get rid of all the dust?

Also any idea where in the UK i could get rocks for the aquairium?

I've just bought this sand! :)
it's a nice colour and a bargain! I bought two bags.

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