Help! Dead fish every day.

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Either water conditioner is fine as they aren't the problem. The problem looks like disease. It is probably from the new fish as they weren't quarantined but it's a slight possibility that the old filter held parasites. Did you lose fish in the tank that had the filter in? I would follow Charlie's advise and medicate to save the remaining fish and clear the tank of the problem. Cory 3 looks healthy right now and the raspboras seem good.
The 5g filter was the tank that killed my betta. Note: He didn’t die due to a disease, he died because the heater malfunctioned and roasted him.

I did clean it super well under hot water and took it apart and everything.

Yes, the HR’s and the NT’s seem to be doing fine, but the corys seem sort of stunned and they are that active.

What medication do you recommend I use??

I can’t do a water change right now, parents won’t let me because I have a Cyber Patriots thing.:(
Sorry for your losses PK. On the upside, your snails and shrimp won't need feeding anytime soon ..
Thanks man. Yes, the snails and shrimp seem super healthy, same thing with the pleco.

And as I said above, the HR’s are doing super well, no issues there. My air pump won’t support 2 tanks, right now, it’s in my 20g long, which has no filter. That means no water movement in that tank, if I transfer the air stone to the 29g. Should I provide more water movement down near the bottom?
Thanks man. Yes, the snails and shrimp seem super healthy, same thing with the pleco.

And as I said above, the HR’s are doing super well, no issues there. My air pump won’t support 2 tanks, right now, it’s in my 20g long, which has no filter. That means no water movement in that tank, if I transfer the air stone to the 29g. Should I provide more water movement down near the bottom?
What fish are you keeping in the 20g long? Why do u want to put an airstone in the 29g sorry?
What fish are you keeping in the 20g long? Why do u want to put an airstone in the 29g sorry?
20g long: 1 Zebra Danio, lots of cherry shrimp and snails

I want to add it to the 29g long, to provide more water movement. @Colin_T said to add more turbulence to increase the efficiency of the medication? It’s also a super tall tank so... Still looking for a medication name...
I can't recommend one as I have never experienced nor successfully treated this. But Charlie recommended the antibiotic metrodizanole so google medications that have that in. I think @seangee had to euthanize fish with spinning disease to eradicate it, but this may not be the same.
I can't recommend one as I have never experienced nor successfully treated this. But Charlie recommended the antibiotic metrodizanole so google medications that have that in. I think @seangee had to euthanize fish with spinning disease to eradicate it, but this may not be the same.
Seachem MetroPlex? I googled it and it’s in the ingredients... anyone have experience with this?
I guess I was still asking if that’s the medication I need to use.
No, I’ve never used Metroplex. Sorry. My go to’s are Always Furan-2 and Kanaplex. Never had to treat spinning disease.
I’m not sure it’s spinning disease, it could be something else. Only 1 Cory showed that symptom.
You said the heater in the other tank malfunctioned. Did it leak anything at all?

Cories are usually more delicate to things and neon tetras can be too.
I had that problem with corys before. Mine were albino so you could see that their brains turned red. I never figured out what it was and didn't even attempt to treat it. I know wild fish like trout can get whirling disease.

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