Help Choosing/recomendations Please


get on a board and do yo thang...!
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 9, 2009
Reaction score
South Leicestershire U.K
in the next few months i am getting a 6x2x2 tank and i think i want to keep something a little different in it. my only experience with oddball fish is my little spotted perch so i am asking for advice and suggestions on what i could keep in a tank of this size.
i like the look of datnoids but have read they grow up to 12 inches so would these be too big? also where do you get them from.....?
i would also like some more perch maybe a group of 5 if thats a good number as i love these fish.
i dont mind spending on the right fish but like i said im stuck for ideas and dont fancy another planted com tank as i have a 4 foot already and just fancy something a bit different. i know a 6x2x2 isnt massive but its the biggest we can fit in our house sensibly.....
would red spotted sevs and climbing perch live together ok with a few dither fish?

i fancied a red belly tank but the wife doesnt like the idea of that.... she may come round though! :hey:
Datnoids should be fine. I would stick to the smaller ones though as I think some can get close to 2 foot, I'm not an expert though, and think most will only reach around 14 in a home aquarium. Try and research a few Bichirs, most will fit in this size tank and they certainly add something a bit different. I would have a small group of Bala sharks or Tinfoils too unless you plan a slightly smaller stocking list, I would put Torpedo Barbs as the schooling fish then.
Dats should be fine, most won't top 14" or so other than widebars which your unlikely to come across unless you fork out a few hundred for one. Bichirs are great as well and make a brilliant combo with dats, try a red sand as the substrate to really make the colours come out on the bichirs. If i were you i'd go for maybe 5 dats and around 10 bichirs, depending on what you like.
im not really a big fan of bichirs... sorry!

im thinking datnoids, climbing perch, torpedo barbs and maybe a red spotted sev...

would that work?

if so what numbers could i go for?

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