Hi all,
This is my first ever post to the forum given that I'm new to tropical fish keeping.
So around 6 weeks ago I bought an Aquanano 40. I waited a month before adding any fish. I tested tha water regularly, as I still do, and it was absolutely perfect, so I added its first inhabitants, five cardinal tetras. These little fish did absolutely fine, water still perfect, so 9 days later, I added a pair of German Blue Rams. They were a bit stressed for the first twenty four hours, but settled down, coloured up and yesterday (after five days of being in the tank) laid some eggs. The eggs only lasted until this afternoon as the cardinals found them to be somewhat of a delicacy.
This morning I did a 20% water change. I'd added the new water to a bucket on Thursday, treated with aqua safe, and also bought another heart to warm it up to the same temp as the tank - 80 degrees. I can't think of anymore I could have done to prep the new water in readiness for the change.
So this afternoon, I noticed that the cardinals were gasping at the top of the tank. One of them was suffering more so and I watched it thrashing around for a few minutes before it sank to the bottom and died. It was as though it could only use it's tail fin, the other fins weren't moving. The other cardinals have since lost their colour, one is still gasping at the top and the other three are just on the bottom of the tank (sand) not moving very much. The GBR's have lost colour as well but aren't gasping at the top but heir breathing does seem laboured.
I'm afraid of waking up tomorrow and not having any fish left.
I'm at a loss as to what's going on. I was thinking of going to buy a bubble wall tomorrow to see if that helps the oxygen level - I just hope they're still alive by then.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
This is my first ever post to the forum given that I'm new to tropical fish keeping.
So around 6 weeks ago I bought an Aquanano 40. I waited a month before adding any fish. I tested tha water regularly, as I still do, and it was absolutely perfect, so I added its first inhabitants, five cardinal tetras. These little fish did absolutely fine, water still perfect, so 9 days later, I added a pair of German Blue Rams. They were a bit stressed for the first twenty four hours, but settled down, coloured up and yesterday (after five days of being in the tank) laid some eggs. The eggs only lasted until this afternoon as the cardinals found them to be somewhat of a delicacy.
This morning I did a 20% water change. I'd added the new water to a bucket on Thursday, treated with aqua safe, and also bought another heart to warm it up to the same temp as the tank - 80 degrees. I can't think of anymore I could have done to prep the new water in readiness for the change.
So this afternoon, I noticed that the cardinals were gasping at the top of the tank. One of them was suffering more so and I watched it thrashing around for a few minutes before it sank to the bottom and died. It was as though it could only use it's tail fin, the other fins weren't moving. The other cardinals have since lost their colour, one is still gasping at the top and the other three are just on the bottom of the tank (sand) not moving very much. The GBR's have lost colour as well but aren't gasping at the top but heir breathing does seem laboured.
I'm afraid of waking up tomorrow and not having any fish left.
I'm at a loss as to what's going on. I was thinking of going to buy a bubble wall tomorrow to see if that helps the oxygen level - I just hope they're still alive by then.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.