Chef Boyardee is covered with a thin layer of white hairs.. o.0 I'm assuming it is fungus (maybe columnaris, maybe body fungus?), it's the closest match to the descriptions on this bettafish page: http/
He lives in a 2.5g tank, heated but unfiltered. I don't know what temperature it is, but it feels cooler to the touch, but not freezing, but not warm either.......... yes.. I do really need to get a thermometer!! There is nothing else in his tank other than a couple IALs, b/c I had put him in the tank initially to heal finrot? He has only 1/2 his tail left~ not sure whether it's due to finrot or tail biting! TBH.. I'm not sitting in front of him for long enough periods to tell..!
Here are some photos, can anyone give me a diagnosis?
He lives in a 2.5g tank, heated but unfiltered. I don't know what temperature it is, but it feels cooler to the touch, but not freezing, but not warm either.......... yes.. I do really need to get a thermometer!! There is nothing else in his tank other than a couple IALs, b/c I had put him in the tank initially to heal finrot? He has only 1/2 his tail left~ not sure whether it's due to finrot or tail biting! TBH.. I'm not sitting in front of him for long enough periods to tell..!
Here are some photos, can anyone give me a diagnosis?